Debra’s Story

Site created on September 22, 2019

Welcome. Please have a seat. Pull up a chair and feel free to peruse my journal. Did you find a chair? Are you sitting down? I have an announcement to make. I have cancer. At the time of this posting I don’t really know how bad it is or what stage I’m at. All I can tell you at this time is that it’s a large tumor, it’s aggressive and I’m getting my team together to fight it. If you are willing to be part of my team I could use your help. First I’m going to need your prayers. If you are comfortable praying with others please pray in groups of two or more. You can pray for my healing and you can pray for my salvation. Please don’t pray that this is the last cancer I ever get. Momma always said be careful what you wish for. I don’t want another cancer but I’d like to live long enough that the possibility is there, if you catch my drift. Second, You can call me if you’d like but please don’t get your feelings hurt if I let you go to voicemail. Leave me a message and I or another team member will return your call. I always let calls go to voicemail and if you aren’t saved in my phone, well... just be prepared to speak to a recording. It’s nothing personal but I get so many sales calls from all over the country I just don’t answer most calls anymore. Third, if you’d like to come visit, we’d love to see all our friends and family at this time. Your support means so much to us. I can get you a list of hotels that are very nearby, brand new I might add, and a list of some places to go visit while you are in town. You might be able to stay with us or possibly with my daughter’s family depending on where I am in my treatment journey and whether or not there’s space when you come. Fourth, if you would like to message me and stay in contact that way, that’s fine. I really understand. That’s more my speed in most situations so don’t feel bad about it. Fifth, silent support...similar to prayer in groups but by yourself is welcomed as well. Not everyone feels comfortable praying in a group and I understand that. You might not feel comfortable calling or texting. That’s ok. I appreciate you taking the time to look me up and read any of my story. Now just send some positive prayers, thoughts, vibes my way. I really would appreciate that too. Thank you all and may God Bless us all.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Debra Vidal

Hi All,

This is Angel…Debra’s husband.
Finally came around to this site.

Please feel free to read Debra’s writings.
Unfortunately, there will be no further updates.

Debra passed away on 1/6/2021…
Also, known as the day the Captiol was attacked.

Please remember you are strong, loved, and not alone in this fight.
When you feel weak, ask for help.
You will be surprised by the kindness and empathy of those around you.

God is Good All the Time!
Bless you all that are go through this hell…
Just don’t stop and keep going!

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