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Jun 16-22

This Week

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Good evening, Family

Greetings from one who is grateful for how you have been present with me throughout this tender experience! I'm in the 2nd month of my Home Protocol and will be returning to Oasis in early April for my third treatment visit. "There is no evidence of cancer in my body now", I feel better than I have in years, and by God's grace, He will continue to use the Oasis team in Tijuana Mexico  & my ongoing rapport with a local oncologist (here in Louisville) to one day help me be declared - "Cancer Free" 

In thanking God for Who He is what He has and continues to do, I've chosen to  share one of King David's specials, "The 23rd Psalm". The quoting of this one is unique in that an unknown author has further identified the Shepherd's role  and shared  associated  attributes that truly enhance the poems painting of God's Total Sovereignty; and conveys my ongoing Walk of Faith...(smile)

This particular journey is by no means over, but God is having His way both In and Through me in the power of the Holy Spirit-Galatians 2:20.  As you read it, I pray that you, by His grace, will be  able to identify with the gracious essence of that "Peace which surpasses all understanding" (both) Peace with God ( Knowing Him as Savior) & Peace of God  (Experiencing Him as Lord):

"The Twenty-Third Psalm"

The Lord is my SHEPHERD. - That's RELATIONSHIP!

I shall not want. - That's Supply!

He makes me lie down in green pastures, - That's Rest!

He leads me besides still waters, - That's Refreshment!

He restores my soul. - That's Healing!

He leads me in the path of  righteousness, - That's Guidance!

For His namesake. - That's Purpose!

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... -That's Testing!

I will fear no evil. - That's Protection!

For  You are with me. - That's Faithfulness!

Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. - That's  Discipline!

You prepare a table before me in the presence of me enemies. - That's Hope!

You anoint my head with oil. - That's Consecration!

My cup overflows. - That's Abundance!

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.  -  That's  Blessing!

And I will dwell in the house of the LORD FOREVER! - That's ETERNITY!


Family, this will be my last journal input (for some time); yet if you would like to follow me  as a Missionary via News-letter and prayerfully consider joining  my financial support team, please visit www.give.cru/0135795

God has definitely shown His presence from the very beginning (July '22); but I started care under Oasis of Hope in September of '23 and this will continue for a total of five years! Yes, it's an extra cost and it's because the majority of the needed service is not covered by my insurance.  Please pray however, as God continues to  provide. Thank Him for all who have been there for me, and for the fact that I haven't had to take a noted  leave of absence! Daily life is a bit different but He is definitely "Ordering my Steps"... (smile)

Love & grateful Appreciation, 




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