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Jun 16-22

This Week

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On Thursday morning the 16th of May, we got up at 3:30 am in order to get to St Mary’s at 5:30 for 9:30 surgery. Dr Figueroa, our neurosurgeon, inserted the baclofen pump just under his abdominal skin, threaded the delivery catheter intrathecally  into L5 then further up to T6 where the liquid baclofen will enter his nervous system and significantly lower the tone and spasticity in Dave’s lower trunk and legs. The “game changer” as Dave’s attending calls it, will enable Dave to have significantly less stiffness and pain in his low back, and reduce and or eliminate his need for oral baclofen. If he had to take the dose orally that he’s getting intrathecally, he would be passed out, or be extremely groggy.

On Friday, he was approved (insurance hoops)  to be transferred to Mary Free Bed where the brilliant staff there will titrate the dose and watch the effects of every change in order to find just what will work for Dave. Too much and the muscles become weak, and too little, the muscles get rigid and spastic. He will be there for up to two weeks, but his attending predicts it could be a week or less. 

His spirits are good and mostly we marvel at how well and smoothly  everything went and again how many of the MANY staff who treated Dave over the course of these last few days were astonished  by the extent of his recovery. Many read his chart and expected to see a man in a wheel chair and then were startled to meet this high functioning dude with his bass ass attitude. There’s a reason I’ve always called him Medema Rare. If you know him, you know it! 

We are grateful for Dr. Figueroa whose skill and personal warmth contributed to a sense of safety in us. And for the helpful staff at the Hauenstein Center , St Mary’s, who all got their eval reports in with the correct framing that insurance people need in order to approve the next step.  Hoop jumpers they are! We are so thankful we signed up for Part G Medigap with Medicare, since it rarely declines this higher level of care. And thanks Jim Bodenner for putting us on to this!

Last Friday the 10th Dave brilliantly scheduled 3 events at the same time. Power washing the house, a TV 13 interview with Marcus Key to be used in a fundraiser for Mary Free Bed’s participation in the Gran Fondo, (a bicycle race), and an anniversary ride with a few of his biking buddies. The power washing crew was good about pausing for the time it took for the interview. Here’s a link:

Blessings on you all as you navigate all the twist and turns of Life. May you keep your heart open to all the many ways that suffering brings you closer to each other and to the Mystery that is at the center of Everything. I read this from Hafiz this morning, that endearing 12 century Sufi mystic:


Such dignity can come to us enduring 
the absurd with forbearance and humor.

Elegant becomes the countenance of one
who exemplifies patience. “ 

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