Help Dave Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Dave’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 60 donors who have made a donation in honor of Dave.

Dave - I am so sorry to hear of your struggles, but heartened by descriptions of your progress and perseverance. Best wishes for a happy vacation in Hawaii and continued progress. Best, Kurt Allen P.S. Consider acupuncture as an adjunct treatment?
Kurt W. Allen | Jan 3, 2022
Lauren Taggart | Oct 12, 2021
Dear Dave, I can't wait to welcome your most beautiful family to Toddler Class. (Hi Leo!) I haven't met you in person yet, but you are already my hero. Best birthday wishes and love, from Teacher Gina.
Gina Sheh | Jul 31, 2021
Your family is so amazingly resilient! You just keep on keepin' on, Dave, ya hear?!
Sending lots of strength and love, Carol Yanisch | Jul 28, 2021
Hey Dave - just want you to know that myself and several of us from the class of '92 have been thinking about and praying for you and your family - keep fighting.
Burke.... | Jun 3, 2021
Always in our hearts and prayers.
Mary Smith (Bina) | May 29, 2021
Dave and Family, I'm a fellow Global EMBAer and we met 1 time briefly at an alumni event in Seattle ~2 years ago. Long story short I just went through my own cancer journey at the end of 2020. It was trying. I am sending you strength and hope.
Jackie Jones | May 28, 2021
Our Co-op Village believes in miracles and we have you surrounded by card carrying Unicorn preschoolers who always keep their Sunny Side UP! We are with you!
Adele Anderson | May 26, 2021
Jim and Susan watson | Apr 27, 2021
Dave, hang in there.
phil kloot | Apr 24, 2021