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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Hello Folks !
This is diffulcult for me to ask for any type of assistance or help.
This has been a rough year for me and Jan
June 10, 2018 I turned 76. The next day June11, I had chest pains and tingling in the afternoon. Rushed to the Hospital Emergency Room. Diagnosis of Heart
Attack. Sent to the Cardiac Cath Lab to open up the blockage. Things were a bit dicey, they managed to use a Balloon to open the area but was unable to place a Stent.. They wanted to wait 30 days for the Heart Muscle to heal. New Expensive med for the next year..The next 30 days were limited activity, no lifting and lots of rest. Many Dr appointments, Lab work and Ultra Sound of my entire body.
Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries My Major arteries are all compromised, Except for the Carotid Arteries.
Deemed well enough to have surgery I was back in the Cardiac Cath Lab in July, For " Roto Router " .they go inside the artery and grind out the plaque ) and placed 3 Stents to keep the artery open.
August back in Surgery for FemoraL & Iliac Stent Placement in Right Groin. Hopeful that the blood supply to lower leg and foot will be sufficient. Day 3 Stood up to use the john and the Femoral Artery had stored a huge Hematoma which sprayed the room,bed and chair. OOPS ! Went home on day 5. Bed rest, legs elevated, no lifting. New Meds.
Blood supply to lower legs and feet was better but not good enough, I am Diabetic and on Insulin, making things worse, I developed a sore between my toes October Dr appt , Between the Surgeon and Jan I was in the hospital 2 days later, having Femeral Artery ByPass using a vein from my Right leg . At that time the Surgeon said the vein was not the greatess but hoped for the best.5 more days in the Hospital, Foot Care Treatment Started and continues at home. Same as before no lifting, lots of rest, elevate legs care for feet and take meds.
Surgeon Appointment Last Tuesday with ultra Sound of Rt leg, shows narrowing of the grafted vein. May 2, Surgery for Stent Placement in Right lower leg. Hoping this is the last surgery on my right leg, before starting on the left leg.

I missed a lot of Charters last year due to all the surgeries.
Thank you all for your understanding ,rescheduling and the help on the Lady KDK
Could not have done it without you.

With the loss of income , normal monthly bills, New Meds not covered by insurance, taxes and Start Up Fees . We are Finiancially strapped, our savings gone. and No light at the end of the tunnel.
Hospital Bills are close to $ 400,000.00

Thank you for your Time and Consideration on this matter.
Prayers welcome, Thank You and God Bless

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1 Heart
