Darlene’s Story

Site created on May 9, 2024

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.
As many of you know my mom was diagnosed with and aggressive form of   Endometrial Adenocarcinoma (Uterine cancer) back in May 2023.  She had a full hysterectomy in June of 2023 followed by 28 rounds of radiation and 8 rounds of chemo, she finished treatment right after Thanksgiving just in time to enjoy Christmas. She has had a few residual side effects from chemo  neuropathy in her hands in feet and has had tough time getting her taste back with foods and an appetite.
She had a follow up scan in March of 2024 the week before Easter on her chest to look at a couple of lung nodules that they weren't sure were cancer from the get go but had shrunk during chemo.  The results were a huge set back the cancer in fact had metastasized to both of my mom's lungs. 
After much testing a treatment plan was put in place with an infusion of Keytruda(immunotherapy) which would be administered every 3 weeks and   Lenvima a (chemo pill) that she would take daily.  This regimen could be done as long as my mom's body could tolerate it or as long as it was stabilizing or shrinking the cancer.   A CT scan would be done after every 3 rounds of Keytruda to reevaluate.  
My mom's favorite Bible verse is, Psalm 28:7 " The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him."

Newest Update

Journal entry by Tracey Paulson

After the move last Friday out of ICU on to a regular floor at Avera my mom had an uneventful weekend, which was ok.  With it being a long weekend there were no therapies for 3 days she got a little frustrated, but it gave her time to heal and settings on the vent were able to be weaned downed which was also good.  The tube feedings were started again last Friday, and the dietician has been consulted quite a bit as the tube feedings have continued to irritate my mom's stomach. Tuesday brought the return of therapies and the talk of potential being transferred to a rehab facility.

We only have 1 facility in South Dakota that will take patients with vented Trach's with patients that need to be weaned off of the Trach, that option was Select Specialty Hospital located in Sanford Hospital.  We are thankful that my mom was accepted there, otherwise our other options were Omaha or Minneapolis.  What we didn't know was the transfer to rehab was going to take place on Wednesday.  

Late Wednesday afternoon my mom was transferred to Select Specialty Hospital, the transition has been interesting, but we are getting through it. They will work with her on weaning her off the vent through the various steps, physical and occupational therapy are working with her on regaining her strength.  Speech is working on getting a device to put in her trach so she can maybe try to start talking.  That has been frustrating for my mom not being able to communicate via voice for the last 3 weeks.  Once off the vent they will also work with her on swallowing etc.  

Our prayers are that my mom's diaphragm continues to strengthen for her to be able to wean off the vent and that she can breathe deep enough to keep the dangerous gas levels out of her system. Prayers for her as she continues to work with Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy to regain strength.  Prayers the maintenance drug for Myasthenia Gravis keeps my mom from reaching a critical status again. 

Thank you for the continued prayers, all the phone calls, text messages and cards we would not be this far without all the support!!

Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is His faithfulness"



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