Dana’s Story

Site created on November 26, 2018

As many of you have now heard, Dana suffered a massive stroke on Friday, November 16th while visiting Mia, Taylor, & Emily in Fort Myers and has not been able to gain full consciousness since. She has a long road in front of her and we have started this site to keep family and friends updated in one place.

 First, we want to begin by thanking each and everyone of you for outpouring love, prayers and support. Dana has put everyone she ever met before herself, even complete strangers, and would do anything for any family impacted by what we have experienced and I know she would be comforted in knowing we are receiving this support from you. We love all of you. 

Right now, Dana is battling for her life. She suffered a bilateral ischemic stroke due to a blood clot in her midbrain, the part of your brain that controls involuntary movements- breathing, sight, talking, etc., damaging the entire thalamus. This type of stroke is not only one of the most rare, but one of the most deadly.  Against all odds, she is currently clinically stable in intensive care. With that said, the most important thing for her right now is a positive, stress free environment and endless thoughts/prayers and encouragement. While she is unable to currently gain full consciousness, she is very much aware of what is going on around her like many in a coma.

On top of trying to be by her side 24/7, Nick is running and maintaining his business back in MA, Mia has her studies, and Taylor has work and studies as well. Because of this, daily updates are not feasible. We will update this site as often as possible but please also keep in mind, there may not be updates or changes daily. With this in mind, with Nick running his business and flying back and forth between FL and MA regularly, we ask for any communication to him be at a minimum and please try to filter any questions or concerns through Mia, Taylor, Justin or Emily.

For those local to Florida, given what she is up against, we feel that hospital visits from others is not in her best interest. We know this is tough but hope you can understand that we, as a family, think this is the best option for her. 

Dana is the strongest person we have ever met and we are confident she will clear this hurdle as she has with others in the past. She has always been there for everyone we know and she now needs the same from everyone else. We love you all and please don't forget how much Dana loves you. 

For those who have asked, a GoFundMe has been setup in Dana's name and we will post the link here as well. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Mia DiSantis

Hello everyone - we apologize for the delay in our responses and lack of updates as the last couple weeks have been full of ups and downs. Dana has made some great progress and then backtracked a bit, but she is improving nonetheless. 

This past week, Dana was transferred to a wheelchair and brought down to the physical therapy gym for the first time where she was able to perform a few minutes on the seated elliptical bike, pumping her arms and legs back and forth. Then, she was brought to the parallel bars and, with the help of her PT’s, was able to stand and take a few steps while holding onto the bars!!

They plan to continue to focus on trying to get her to walk, though she is still unable to sit up, hold herself upright, or stand on her own, so we know that it will take time and practice. She is off to an amazing start, however, and we couldn’t be more proud!!!

Additionally, Dana was unable to pass the swallowing test in order to begin the process of decannulation; she was not able to safely control and swallow pure liquids or chew and swallow any solid food - however, she was able to successfully swallow thickened liquids and they have begun attempting to integrate thickened liquids, such as juice nectar, into her diet. This is wonderful progress as we were told just two weeks ago she may never be able to swallow, talk, or eat again. She continues to defy all odds placed against her. 

Dana had a great few days last week but has hit a few rough patches since. While she was able to get thickened liquids added to her diet, she has only been able to swallow a couple spoonfuls before getting fatigued or failing to swallow successfully, has come down with a bug that has seemingly left her fatigued and discouraged, and has been unable to successfully complete or participate in speech and physical therapy. 

Dana is still struggling to remain awake for long periods of time and continues to fall into deep, comatose-like sleeps in which they are unable to wake her from, despite being given provigil to stimulate and keep her awake. She remains asleep and/or unresponsive for most hours of the day, is still unable to speak, and still cannot support and/or hold herself up. She has begun to open her left eye for about a minute at a time on her own, however, is still unable to open her right eye. 

Regardless of the many ups and downs she has experienced over the last few weeks, our amazing mom, wife, friend, and more continues to surprise us all and beat the odds that have been placed against her. Although she is not able to do much, she is slowly but surely improving and has progressed immensely given her prognosis just a few short weeks ago. We are truly blessed that she is still here with us today and beginning to recover.

We will continue to update you all as best we can and cannot thank you all enough for your overwhelming love and support. We have a long road ahead of us but one heck of a fighter leading the way!

We are wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday with your loved ones and hope you all have a Happy New Year.
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If you donate by May 12, your gift will be doubled, up to $10,000, thanks to a gift from Living Water Foundation.

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