Crystal’s Story

Site created on March 1, 2021

On January 20th, Crystal found out she needed to head to the ER and get herself checked in for an emergency blood transfusion, as her iron levels were severely low. While trying to figure out what was causing her to lose so much blood, she was found to have a grapefruit size tumor in her Cervix, leading to an official diagnosis of Stage Three Cervical Cancer. She moved up to Minnesota in the beginning of March to get care at The Mayo in Rochester, where she recently started her 8 week treatment plan. I will update the journal as I get the information... promise! 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Jenna Hansen



I am a little late to the party that is January and cervical cancer awareness month! I apologize, because as we all know, it is a VERY important thing to keep up with routine checks and to make sure everything is healthy! I didn't mean to take so long to get on here and remind everyone about getting checked out, but we have just been busy living the new normal. While she would never wish this journey on anyone, Crystal is using it as a way to shine a light on how important it is to make sure you are healthy. So again, go and get those lady parts checked out! 


Crystal is adjusting to being a cancer survivor and dealing with her new normal. She is always going to have pain, but she is adjusting beautifully and in true Crystal fashion! She still visits the Mayo to get checked out, and will have scans on the regular for years, to make sure everything is clear and that cancer doesn't need its ass kicked again! She is still working on figuring out the best way to deal with lymphodema, including super constricting garments for the area. Annnnnnd as of a couple months ago, has been working on changing out her own ostomy bag!! She is totally kicking ass and taking names!! 


I could not be more proud of her! I sent her a message on January 13th, one year since she had her life altering surgery, and reminded her of how much she has gone through the last two years, and especially the last year. She has literally kicked cancer's ass, and has done with with the most inspiring attitude and grace, and her signature smile! I am honored to have been a part of her journey to this point. I am also not naive to believe that going forward, it is all rainbows and unicorns, as again, she is dealing with everyday pain, everyday issues, and her new accessory... but again, she just keeps going and keeps fighting! 


Thank you again everyone for following and supporting Crystal's journey! I will keep writing and keeping everyone up to date on the happenings of her and Aaron! Remember, if someone you know is going through their own cancer journey, reach out. Just let them know you are thinking of them! Send them some love and positive thoughts! That is one thing Crystal said she could feel through the whole journey, everyone's positive thoughts and prayers! Thanks to our village! 






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