Corinne’s Story

Site created on November 27, 2018

Flash back 30yrs 1987, Woke up one morning coverd in red itch spots all over my body to the point i thought i was going to die went to my doctor at the time and she told me it was psoriasis and put me on some stariods and a cream to help. After about 6 months she sent me too a derm who gave me more creams and nothing worked, my dad told me to use bag balm that work about as good as the creams and was cheaper. My exhusband was always saying you look gross how can i love you looking like that with patchs of dead skin all over you. My ex desided to join the army in 1996 to get away from me i think because at this time i was eating my pain away i was not only flacky i was getting very heavy and was exstermly unhappy. Fast forward 5 months my ex got stationed in Hawaiia at first i was  very scard to go to a beach in anything that showed my skin or my size. But i did after a while and my skin cleard up and i started walking and lost abaut 80 lbs felt great about myself and relized. I hated my ex and also cought him sleeping with my so called best friend, well guess what came back but this time i went right to the derm on base who told me i had something i was going to die with not of but with he put me on methotrexate witch helped at 1st but i was loseing my hair but my skin was clear so started waering a wig. My ex would not give me a devorice at that time so had to stay on island with him until he was tranferd to tennesse in 2001 were agine he reminded me that i was ugly and no one would want me. But i kicked him out and told him it was over some were between Hawaiia and Tennesse i found a back bone. The docs here didnt belive in methatreate so they tryed more creams and agine nothing so i started tanning and that helped alot to getting my skin clearded up and still hadent gained any of the weight back so i was happy felt that i was singel even if i was still married but he was living with someone so i didnt care i started talking to someone on line we talked alot at the time he was with someone and it was just us talking my skin was at a very bad point so i wasnt ready to meet anyone so it was great, well he broke up with her and we talked about that and still no talk about meeting. Well it had been 3 months of us talking on line and i was talking to a friend who was pcsing so and him at the same time do i need to say more yes i sent the wrong message to him i asked do you need help to my friend and well it went to Ron's after him saying he was going to tak a shower. He told me no but asked if i wanted to go out that night lol one way to get a date. We have been togeather for 18 years now. But befor the date i did tell him i was flaky and that i had psoriasis.he asked a few questions but that was it.  After me and Ron being togeather for about 3 yrs i fianly got my ex to sign devorce papers yeah i thought until it got to the court room he didnt sign the mariage dishalution part just the full custedy of our son but the judge granted our devorce anyways and grated me full coustdy. But Ron and I desided to move to North Dakota in 2004 were the weather made my skin worse then ever and my body was in alot of pain went to the doctors and was given more crams and agine methotreate agin hair loss and skin not the greatest but the pain was a little better so i stay that way for about 6 years and tryed many differnt meds and nothing seemed to work. In 2010 not only did Ron and i get married i also went to a rumatalergest  because he said not only did i have psoriasis i had psoreatic arthrits. He put me on remicade that worked wounders my skin was clear and no pain everything went great until we lost insureance in April of 2012  well needless to say i missed my april infustion but we got insureance back in May so i went back to my rumataliagest and got my infustion and he told me were i misssed a infustion i was to restart my remicadi so i went back on June 6th 2012 a day i will never forget i got all set for my infustion 4hrs so i looked at it as nap time well i was woken up with my hands burning and itchy and red and all swollen up i Tryed to tell  the nurse but i couldnt talk because my toung was swellon too when i did get everyones attention they called the ambulance to take me to the ER  gave me 2 shots of apie and i got to the Er were they gave me more meds and everything started to go down and sent me home told me if i had any problems to come back. Well i got home felt fine and was watching tv with my daughter in law Ron was working and had only heard about my day when i passed out when i came too she said i am taking you back to the ER when we got there she told them what happend and they admited me while i was in the hospital i passed out agine so they were keeping a close eye on me Ron finely got back from work and was kinda upset with me for not calling or should say haveing someone call him so he could have come home earlyer but while he was talking to me i passed out so i didnt hear half of what he said lol he got the nurse who brought me to and told me that they wouldnt let me leave the hospital until i stoped passing out so a week went by i was sent home and told if anything happend to come back well i went home was ok for a few days but my chest started hurt thought i was haveing an heart atack so agine back to the er while on the way i started haveing trouble breathing by the time my daughter in law got me to the ER i couldnt breath so long story short i got readmited agine hubby was out of town for work this time they said i had a lung infection lets just say it was a hell of a time for about 4yrs in an out of the hospital  and never finding out what was wrong and all the test were just comeing back normale and all the meds for breathing problems not helping at all. Fastforward to 2015 at this point i wanted to give up throw the towel in then i found the best group in the world Overcoming Psoriasis and was treated like family and had more support then i could ever ask for i started thinking maybe i could get throw this well in september i was admited agin for breathing problems for a week after getting out i got home and as always abfew days later it was back my hubby took me to the ER were they made me feel like i was facking did nothing for me. The next morning i called my family dr to find out he was out of town so i kinda went off on the poor person on the phone and said it didnt matter who i saw as long as they would listen to me well i got an aptonment that afternoon and low and behold he did listened he gave me 2 shots of toredal and one of a staroid had to wait about 20 mins and then went home we live about 20 miles away from the doctors office by the time i got home i could breath what he said it was is PSA in my chest so i knew what to do the next time it happend!!! About 3 weeks later i had another spell and went to the ER Ron had to explain to the doctor what was going on because this time i even lost my voice because the inflamtion was hitting my thought also. i got a wounderful doctor this time too who gave me meds to take daily. Now mind you i was still haveing spells as we call them and haveing to take alot of time off from work. Fastforwad to April 2017 i was let go from my job for taking to much time off for being sick. Witch means no insurance skin got very bad PSA kicked in bad and the invers got to the point i couldnt get dressed so i agin got support from overcoming psoriasis were i was given some great advise and support.

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