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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Hi Everyone! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the beginnings of summer!

This past week we celebrated World Retinoblastoma Week – so a great time for an update on how Christian is doing!

Christian has had some appointments this past Spring and good news is continuing to pop up!

March 2022 – Christian went in for his follow-up EUA and MRI, last update we mentioned he was probably good to start in-office appointments and skip going under for EUA’s however, as he was already due for an MRI in March they figured may as well do the EUA as well and make sure all checked out. Good news all around – everything is clear! This means it’s been about 9 (now 10 ) months of true remission! Huge blessing here!

As Christian has gotten older he is much more aware of what it means when he heads to the hospital and he heads into these procedures. As a parent, having to watch your child go through something like this is heartbreaking. This time however, the transition was a much better experience. Melissa was actually able to go back with Christian as they prepped him and put him under, not just preparing him to go back. Child life services also came in to help ease Christian as well. Getting older also doesn’t mean you are the first patient of the day – this may not seem like a huge deal but…getting put under means you aren’t able to eat until after your procedure. Trying explaining that to a toddler and managing that toddler – a hangry toddler at that!

Strabismus – last update we also mentioned that Christian was going to need a procedure to help fix the strabismus he has in his eyes as a result of his diagnosis. After much scheduling and working out details the surgery has been determined will happen this coming July. This surgery will fix the alignment of his muscles in his left eye. He will have a bit of down time following surgery but for the most part will be back to his normal self in no time! He’ll have a few weeks of no swimming but otherwise, a fairly manageable recovery.

Of course, Melissa being who she is, she researched the surgery and post surgery recovery – safe to say, she found some pretty intense and interesting contraptions that children are required to wear following surgery. Thankfully enough – she won’t have to worry about that as Christian won’t need any of those for his recovery.

Part of the reason for the July scheduling was for swimming lessons to be over BUT a bigger part is that in June Christian will go in for his first in-office RB check with Dr. Oliver. Since Christian already had a chance to do an in-office visit there is no concern he won’t be able to handle this appointment – he rocked the first one back in November! However, should anything seem off or need further attention – it will allow an EUA to be done in July when he’s already under for his Strabismus surgery. Christian has already been put under for surgeries and procedures a decent amount of time, limiting that is definitely something the doctors (and his parents) would like for him.

His next EUA + MRI will now continue to be in 6 months, this coming September 2022.

Christian has continued to love going to school each day and recently moved up to a new classroom! He continues to have Vision Services who have been great at coming into Christians surroundings, such as a new classroom in school, and pointing out trip and tricks to the staff and teachers that will make his everyday learning and play easier. Little things – things that the normal person would not think about. Things such as having Christian sit at the front of his friends (on the left side) for circle time. This allows him to be introduced to new things predominantly on his right side where he has the best vision. Recently Christian has given them signs that he’s sensitive to light | sunlight so also placing his seat assignment in his classroom away from the door | windows to eliminate irritation and irritability from the bright light. Maybe time for some new prescription sunglasses!

Next up – POTTY TRAINING! Wish Mom and Dad luck 😊

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