Chris’s Story

Site created on February 17, 2024

Welcome to Chris's health journey.  So many of you have lived through all of this with us and we are forever grateful for your love and support.  For those who don't know, for the past 15 years Chris has dealt with bizarre illnesses.  In 2018 and 2020 I (Dana) shared our story on The Storytellers Podcast so feel free to go listen to receive more information and details there.  Unfortunately Chris's story didn't end in 2020 and continued to take many twists and turns. The main diagnosis is an  autoimmune disorder called MEN1 syndrome, or Wermer's syndrome.  This basically means tumors can pop up at any point and usually wreak havoc somewhere in his body even if not cancerous.   He has had a pituitary brain tumor removed as well as a tumor on his parathyroid gland.  Chris began having bouts of Pancreatitis which turned into chronic pancreatitis.  In August of 2022, we finally made it to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and have stayed in constant contact with our amazing team there.  We have specialists there who focus on MEN1 as well as GI doctors who try to help with pancreatitis (it's all oddly connected).  In October of 2023, it all came to a scary head when Chris was hospitalized for two weeks with uncontrolled pain.  While we have not yet found an answer, we will not give up trying.    We ask that you continue to pray mightily as we serve an amazing God who has not forgotten us.  The lyrics to "Sovereign Over Us" continually flood my mind.  "Your plans are still to prosper, You have not forgotten us.  You're with us in the fire and the flood.  You're faithful forever, perfect in Love, You are sovereign over us." He has been with our family every step of the way and we feel His presence through our family, friends,  MBCC church family, amazing neighbors, and so many more who surround us.  We could not do this alone.  While we may not understand long suffering or why Chris has not been healed, we have no doubt the Lord holds us in His hands and provides for us daily.  He is our ultimate Hope.  "Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Newest Update

Journal entry by Dana Sheheane

Today started out MUCH smoother than the last two days.  Chris still didn't sleep well, but his pain was much more controlled.  We got up, walked a long hallway and back, and he even did a few dance moves to impress some nurses. He then had an ultrasound and high fived everyone on the way down. We were feeling really good today and felt things were headed back in the right direction.  Then came two docs an hour later to inform us that the blood cultures showed bacteria in his islet cells that were transferred to the liver (not good) and he has a blood clot in his stomach (not good).  So the dancing and high fives quickly screeched to a halt.  While we began to ask all the questions and panic a little, the doctors tried to calm us.  They said, "well this happens and we will increase meds to hit the bacteria as well as the blood clots. And he will be on a blood thinner for at least three months once you arrive home."  Sigh....

Then wouldn’t you know, 10 minutes later we have a knock on the door and a sweet lady says, "would you like the therapy dog to come see you?" I almost suffocated the poor thing and then I remembered he was there for Chris. whoops.  Nessee was her name and she was JUST what we both needed at that moment and to help us turn our frowns around.  God keeps showing up in the sweetest of ways and usually just when we start to go "really God?...again?" 

And listen up...GOD ALSO SENT ME A FRIEND TODAY! I didn't even have to talk to turkeys:).  And it was just what the doctor ordered for both of us.  When I went to see Chris yesterday morning, I had only been there an hour and he said "wow, it's 9:30 and you've used up your word count. I guess you slept!" ha! So it was time for new blood in the ole hospital room.  Courtney Defeo is a dear friend that God plopped into my life 6 years ago through our favorite summer mission trip, Lighthouse Family Retreat.  This is another story for another day, but she's from Texas....I'm from Alabama....we just "somehow" got placed together in a condo for a week. We put it together night one that our moms lived down the street from one another growing up and played together when they were little. Then BAM! We became instant close friends and so did our kids. We are eerily similar, both extreme extroverts, and laugh a LOT. So it's been such a fun day.  She can't get over my college experience either.  Today was 55 and cheeky bikinis were out in full force on any green space available.  Side note, I was in my down jacket. 

So again, today was ups and downs.  But the roller coaster will continue so thanks for hanging on for the ride. What we are sure of, is His presence is with us minute to minute and hour to hour.  Keep praying, loving,  encouraging and HOPING with us.  

"The Lord replied, My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."  Exodus 33:14

Prayers for the Night:
- Rest- mental and physical- I know this is everyday
- For the meds to dissolve the blood clot quicker than expected
- For bacteria not be shown in the future cultures of the Islets and for meds to work
- Time with courtney to be great, and then two more sweet folks arrive tomorrow...stay tuned!

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