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Jun 09-15

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I need to start off by saying your prayers are working, every single one of them!  THANK YOU!

We are on Day 112 post transplant!  Whoop! Whoop!!
I apologize that I haven't done an update in some time.  I wanted to wait until we had his 60 Day and 100 Day appointments so I would have something to share. 

The beginning of March Chris's fun loving personality started coming back, which is absolutely wonderful! His strength is growing everyday.  We try to take a walk each day and he is enjoys putzing at the farm. I have become his new assistant helping with farm chores.  I never thought that would happen! LOL And I'm enjoying it! Haha!

April 6th, we had his 60 Day appointment in Rochester.  He got a bunch of blood work done, a bone marrow biopsy and saw his doctor.  The doctor seemed very pleased with Chris's progress.  The doctor  told him that he will be able to get his vaccines in July and when he is feeling up to it, he can slowly get back to work.  Wow!  Crazy to think that he is to that point. We will need to go back to the Mayo in about 10 months for a check up then once a year after that.

April 8th (Day 71), we stared noticing that Chris's hair is starting to grow back!  He is very happy to see it getting longer. :) 

We are slowly getting use to going outside of our little bubble, and that hasn't been easy!  Little by little we are spending time with the kids and family. We also will go into a store or a restaurant. It's almost like we are new to town and we are adjusting to our new surroundings. Everyday gets better than the day before.  One day at a time, right!? 

April 20th (Day 83), Chris had his appointment with Dr. Elkadi, his cancer doctor  at the Coborns Cancer Center.  We discussed what his maintenance plan ahead would be. We also went over some of the test results from his last appointment at the Mayo. She too was very pleased with how things were looking. Yay!  She would like to see Chris come back around his Day 100 to start his maintenance plan.

May 2nd (Day 95), Chris went back to work.  It's so weird not to have Chris here in the mornings with me, I miss him. But with that being said, I am so happy that things are starting to get a bit more normal for us. He just works half the day and then he is ready to come home.  He gets tired out.  Slow and steady is good.  

May 12th (Day 105), the next chapter in our journey has begun!  We met with Dr. Elkadi and she went over the bone marrow biopsy that was done the month before at the Mayo.  She was very happy to share with us that his levels are back where they should be for having Multi Myeloma. (Prayers are working!) After we met with Elkadi, Chris started his maintenance plan.  He will be getting an injection every two weeks and will be taking his chemo med everyday for three weeks then takes a week off.  This is the same thing that he was doing before his transplant but in a smaller doses and minus one injection.  He will do this for about two years. Elkadi is also setting Chris up with getting some PT for his achy back and some acupuncture for his neuropathy.

I am happy to share that Chris was able to make it to a couple of very special occasions, Brenna's junior prom, Kylee's college graduation, Easter with the family and we had a wonderful Mother's Day with our kids.  We could not of done any of this without all your love, support and prayers. THANK YOU! 

Now, let's bring on the summer and pray that it goes much smoother then last years! If you're in the area, please stop in!  We'd love to see ya!

Take care everyone!

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