Chelsea’s Story

Site created on April 27, 2017

Since November, Chelsea has been experiencing severe allergic reactions on a monthly basis with the most recent being an anaphylactic reaction that landed her in the ER. Our friends and family have been so kind to ask us for updates as we seek a diagnosis, so we will be sharing our story here at Caring Bridge.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Chelsea Stanley

I spent a few hours in the ER last night. I woke up with vomiting and diarrhea at 1:00 and then had intense pelvic pain that wouldn’t subside so Dan brought me in. By the time I got there, the pain had subsided but I had started bleeding vaginally. We think that my body must have been reacting to a mid-cycle progesterone spike. Typically, my major reactions come right before my period and I might have minor symptoms mid-cycle, but this was the first time I’ve had a stronger reaction at that time in my cycle.

You can imagine that this is all a little confusing and scary. Up until two weeks ago, I had not had any major reactions for close to eight months, and we were under the impression that the medicine was working. Now, we’re not sure what’s going on or what comes next.

As I was laying on the hospital bed watching my vitals blink on the screen last night, I was once again reminded that my life is not my own. But that’s not as scary as it sounds. Because the one to whom it belongs—the one who gives, takes, and sustains life—is good and just and kind. We can trust him.

Signing off with a verse from one of my favorite hymns...

“Never a trial that He is not there,
Never a burden that He doth not bear;
Never a sorrow that He doth not share,
Moment by moment, I’m under His care.”

-Daniel Whittle, “Moment by Moment”

Thank you for your love and prayers.

💜 Chelsea
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