Charlie’s Story

Site created on June 17, 2020

In November 2019, Charlie started experiencing continued mild discomfort in his abdomen. After months of tests and doctor appointments, it was confirmed on June 5, 2020 to be pancreatic cancer that has spread to the liver and surrounding lymph nodes. Charlie has a great oncologist/hematologist in Dr. Walling and begins chemotherapy treatment on June 17, 2020.

Charlie will start with chemo every other Wednesday. Treatments will be 400 minutes long. After the first 2 treatments, a PET scan will be done to check on the progress. 10 more treatments will follow if treatment shows to be working.

Charlie is feeling positive that he will kick this and he (and his family!) appreciate your support and prayers.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Kelly Campbell

Helloooooo! We have lots of updates.

We are coming off a busy week for Charlie and Denise. Charlie had lots of visitors this past week, including family from Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington and Alabama! This week the excitement continues with a special trip, a pain treatment and hopefully some R&R at some point. I'll break it down, as it was-and will-be a lot. Our hearts are full!

1. Charlie's sister Donna was in town for the week to help in several different capacities. She helped Denise with some home projects, kept Charlie company, and ran lots of errands. We're so thankful for her!

2. Our Champaign IL family made a day trip on Thursday last week for a visit. Charlie's niece Lindsey was in town from Seattle visiting fam in IL, so they all came over for a visit, including bro and sis in law Doug and Denise and niece Amanda. 

3. Charlie had his first Keytruda treatment on Friday. This is not chemo, but rather an immunotherapy treatment. We've done some research and per the docs, it shouldn't be as hard on him as the chemo. We are crossing our fingers for that! The treatment will continue every 3 weeks, with fluids weekly in between.

4.  On Friday night, Donna's daughters Ashley & Kirstin came to town by way of Michigan and Wisconsin with some kiddos in tow. We mainly let Charlie rest and visited some. 

5. On Saturday, the Alabama fam rolled into town. Uncle Bobby and Aunt Joyce and Aunt Sharon came up from Cullman for a visit. Once we knew their visit would overlap with Aunt Donna's and the girls, we made it a whole big Jones/Campbell/Reece family reunion when Uncle Ron rolled in from Macomb Township, Michigan. We were all surprised (thanks Aunt Donna!) and had THE best time eating a lovely lunch, reminiscing and watching all the 2nd cousins play. These visits are never long enough. 

Over the next few days, Charlie and Denise need to rest up as they are off to Kentucky on Wednesday. Charlie, Denise, Duane, Mandy, Jerry and Jim make the trek to the Henderson Settlement to donate Charlie's tools. If you know you, you know. (If you don't know-Charlie and Denise have been working with the Church at the Crossing youth for 25+ years and for the last decade and a half, they've been going to Henderson, KY to help improve the homes of the locals-building porches, doing some home repair, etc.) We know this will mean so much to every person going on this road trip and are so glad Charlie's legacy will continue to touch the community, even if he cannot continue making the trip annually. 

Next Monday, Charlie will be going in for a scope treatment that will be able to target the pain directly in the abdomen. We are hoping this gives him some relief as we are approaching the 2 year mark of having this pain and  would love for our guy to get some actual relief. He will also have a fluids appointment the following Friday, and then further down the road, his next Keytruda appointment will be 8/6.

We appreciate all the continued love, support and prayers. We definitely could use it! We're so thankful for all the notes in the mail, phone calls, texts and visits. Charlie Strong!

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