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Jun 16-22

This Week

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Good Afternoon Family and Friends. 

It's been a long time since I've sent an update and that's because honestly, there hasn't been too many. I'll be honest some more, this isn't getting any easier for me and her children and I know it's not for you all either. Sometimes I find myself in a really low place of grief and it's very hard to pull myself out of it. She was the most important person in my life, my entire life. Grandma was my #1 and everyone knew it. It's been 5 months but it feels like 5 years. My favorite person isn't able to recognize me and talk to me. I worry so much about what she's thinking, how she's feeling...But ultimately, Jesus saves me again and again. He reminds me that He's in charge, not me. I remind myself how much I love Him and how much He loves us and I'm comforted in knowing He is with her and me. I thank Him for the gift of her being in my life for 35 years and what a wonderful gift she is! I'm reminded that when I put all my trust in Him, everything always turns out exactly the way He intended for us and it is good. I want to apologize for not giving more frequent updates and I promise to more often. Thank you all for loving her so much. She loves all of you as well!!

In early November, physical therapy decided to discontinue because she wasn't following commands. This also meant, her insurance discontinued to pay. We needed to find an alternative home that would continue physical therapy and take extra special care of Mrs. Cathy so we started looking around. 

Her 6 week MRI was November 12 where we didn't receive the best news. Dr. Hoover (her neurosurgeon) explained the size of the blood was very large, 4 centimeters x 2 inches and that it was still there. The blood wasn't absorbing at the rate they wanted, and the blood was still covering a large amount. The bleed was smaller, but not gone and the hemorrhage was not gone. He was afraid my grandma has a blood vessel disease called Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy. This is not what he has confirmed, but this is what he thinks is going on. The only treatment for this is to keep her blood pressure low. The the location of the hemorrhage was in the deep recesses of the brain...causing a lot of lost brain cells. Brain cells die after 2 minutes being covered with blood and according to him, the size and amount of blood, and the time period it's covered them, he wasn't surprised she hasn't made big signs of improvement. We will do a repeat MRI in February. 

His biggest concern was if she developed spontaneous bleeding due to this disease. We would see a rapid decline in neurology, or maybe even seeing her fall into a coma but neither has happened. The hardest words I've ever heard was "I'm not optimistic of a recovery here." Typical recovery time to know where we stand is 18 months. That will be March 2022. 

My prayers never stop:

Lord, it's all in your hands. I give her to you, and I give you my full trust Jesus. I pray for miracles God, I've seen them, I know you can. Would you absorb the blood in her brain Lord? Would you make her comfortable Lord? Would she feel no pain God, physically or emotionally? Jesus, I ask in your name for a full recovery. That she would walk again, talk again, be with us again God. If it's not in your will God, I understand and I trust you. Would you prepare our hearts for what's next? Would you be with all her family and friends and comfort us all with knowing she's in your good hands Father? We ask these things in your name Jesus, Amen. 

When I pray, I hear him telling me "I am with her." We serve such an amazing God, and I won't lose faith. Any time I had trouble, or when her family had trouble Grandma said "We serve an awesome God Mija. What can we do? It's in his hands. All we can do is pray." My beautiful Grandma has faith now and she needs your prayers. 

Some good news: She is now a resident of Caldwell, Texas as of December 28! And guess what?! She can have as many window visitors as possible! Any time of the week (weekends too), any time of the day, and as long as you want! Her bed is situated directly next to a big window so she can see us perfectly! There's no Covid or social distancing scare because we're completely outside and she's safely inside. Below is the address to the Manor in Caldwell and I strongly encourage you to visit her! Text me and I'll send you a video of how to get to her room once you park and what number to call when you're there so they can give her a phone and you can talk to her! 

The family only has one favor to ask. Please don't post pictures publically of Mrs. Cathy. She wouldn't like it and we are honoring her as best we can. Please take pictures of her, and with her, but we ask for those to be kept for private use and not shared on social media. We know you understand, thank you all so much. 

Burleson St. Joseph Manor
1022 Presidential Corridor
Caldwell, TX 77836


She's in room 320-B

I'm so excited for her to see all the faces she loves so much. If anyone has any questions text me who you are first so I can call you back! 979-218-8034. God Bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers. She and we all need them! 

Erika Kologinczak

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