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Jun 16-22

This Week

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On March 20th Carson’s water broke at 1:30AM and we were excited and ready to bring our baby girl into the world — little did we know the whirlwind of events that we had before us. The last week has been full of a dramatic birth, surgery, tears, more surgery, uncertainties, life and death moments, hard decisions, special care nursery needs, but above all of that lots of love.
This is our story and what we are currently in the midst of. It is lacking certain details but will help you understand what we have been through. We are thankful to everyone who has lifted us up and we’d like to continue to invite you in to pray with us, support us and help anyway you can. Below is our full story with updates as we get them:
We got to the hospital with our doula at 7:30 AM Monday morning after laboring a home through the night. At this point we were expecting to have a normal and natural birth.
We were admitted to labor and delivery where Carson labored for a total of 26 hours with no medication, but we quickly realized that was going to change. Her doctor helped us decide it was time for an emergency c-section because of Eleanor’s position, leaking meconium, and the exhaustion Carson was experiencing after all that time.
There were complications moving into the OR that meant Carson would need general anesthesia instead of the typical epidural - this also meant Austin could not be in the room. Sweet Eleanor Rollins was delivered at 9:28AM on March 21st, happy and pretty healthy but unable to be placed in our arms right away.
Because of the leaking meconium, Eleanor needed some initial attention but was doing great considering. Carson was being seen in postpartum when things began to take a turn for the worse. She began bleeding and they could not get it to stop. She was having a massive hemorrhage while Austin was meeting his daughter for the first time.
Carson began losing blood faster than they could replace it and Austin was asked to notify family and come say some “I love yous” before a second surgery that would take place less than an hour after her first.
In the OR, things weren’t improving, the doctors prepared Austin for the worst. He was also asked if he would consent to an emergency hysterectomy if it meant they could save her life. Of course, he consented and waited for an outcome.
By the grace of God, Carson made it through and the doctors salvaged her uterus. It was a relief, but we new her road to recovery was just beginning.
She spent another 4 days in the ICU, being monitored, given oxygen, administered more blood, getting CT scans, antibiotics, fluids and more. She was up and down until finally deemed stable on Friday when they moved her to the regular postpartum floor. We were so ready to be with our baby and to finally spend some time as a family of three. Unfortunately, Eleanor began having respiratory issues of her own. Which brings us to today, still separated from our little girl but with hope we will have get to go home sometime this week. We’ve been able to hold her and Carson is still recovering but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel which is more than we could say on Tuesday.
We’ve been carried by your prayers, by family, the amazing and talented staff at Lexington Medical and of course by our Lord and Savior who has given us Eleanor who has and given Eleanor a mother. We thank you for everything and look forward to introducing Eleanor to everyone soon.

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