Christina’s Story

Site created on May 1, 2021

We are using this Caring Bridge site to keep everyone updated on Christina's journey. 

Everyone has been asking how they can help so we decided to set up 
an account where donations can be made

A benefit account has been set up at Security Financial Bank in Durand to cover
the purchase of adaptive medical equipment and other expenses. If you would like
to donate, please drop off checks at Security Financial Bank or send checks to:
Marcia R Bauer
Christina’s Benefit Account
PO Box 210
Durand, WI 54736

Newest Update

Journal entry by Christina Baurichter

Progress. I comfortably walked up the stairs holding something in my right hand and my left hand not sticking to the railing. 

Evidence is a really good thing. Why is evidence a good thing?

I went to another expert to get his thoughts on my neck. (I want to do everything in my power for a speedy recovery.) The physical rehab specialist looked at me, asked me a few questions and suggested botox. This is not the first time I heard this. I have said no in the past but where I am at in my healing journey, I listened.  Botox relaxes or weakening the muscle so they don't stay tight (rock solid in my case). It would be injected to different parts of my neck in hope to relax and allow my body to readjust. It is a three month commitment. It is not a cure all. 

Three months so much can change. The last three months is no different.  I looked at a video of myself with my right shoulder raised and my neck tilted.  This has significantly improved since then. No in person therapy. I contribute the following:

-Monday Morning Workouts with the Ladies
-VA Winter Sports Clinic 
-VA Summer Sports Clinic
-Consciously stretching a little but everyday  my shoulder and neck 
-Challenging myself. Moving 
-Practicing skipping 
-Being a Mom and keeping up with my daughter
-Continuing to do things that I think aren't possible 
-Dropping things because it means I am still testing my limits 
-More I am not thinking of at the moment

Luckily I don't have to decide on botox today. I have time to think about it and explore other ways like above to do instead. I definitely don't just blindly listen to the medicine world. It is there for a reason and an option.

My first thought though (when I got the botox suggestion) was to ask others their opinion.  Then I kind of already knew there opinion based on who I asked. Then realized I had to decide for myself. What do I truly want. This is my body and my decision.  Yet I was thinking of every way to stay indecisive or want someone to decide for me.

Isn't this true for almost anything in life when we are in the middle of a decision? No matter how scary.

So for now I get to not decide.  My follow-up appointment is made for August for botox if I do decide, but the evidence is leaning towards canceling that and continue with the methods above. 

Thanks for following my journey. 
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