Cal’s Story

Site created on June 28, 2020

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Newest Update

Journal entry by Karen Poirier-Brode

Cal is resting after an RN visit this morning. He's not had any significant pain for the past two days. He's been pretty tired out after a response to the meds for constipation. We are calling it the "nuclear option." Bathroom visits are getting less frequent, and I've teased him about getting more exercise in the past couple of days than the past four months. 
He ate well yesterday. I nuked him a frozen Chile Relleno meal for dinner. He fixed himself Ritz crackers and peanut butter, butter pecan ice cream, a salad with thousand islands dressing later in the evening. Just one dizzy spell near noon yesterday, which responded well to a nap. 
I'm not going to lie. It is an exhausting process to care for Cal. I do not want to have hospice here more than necessary, and I do not think anyone else would care for him as well. He says thank you and worries about people like him who are not getting the attentive care I'm providing.  That makes it worth the effort. If I get stressed, I will call hospice. They are very CoVid conscious, and I think they all do safety precautions at home.
As a physician, I'm having a hard time with people who are not staying home, not avoiding people outside their nuclear household except as required for work, and not wearing masks. I know we are all tired of the virus. It, however, is not tired of us. I do not want to get ill and have Cal need to go to a care facility where he would die alone and not get the attention I'm providing. So many lovely people who feel that one little exception to these rules would not be a problem. I know you miss friends and family, so do we, but please stop the parties, get-togethers, and social visits. The pictures of you on FB without masks on, the "nonbusiness" flights, the just a couple of friends over for food and drinks have us concerned. We want your encouragement and love and will have you make brief distance visits outside the house with masks. Since we are both at exceptionally high risk for CoVid because of our age and health conditions, we ask for your understanding. We also do not want any of you dying before Cal does.
I'll post a photo later today after Cal gets his beard off, and his hair trimmed! Happy that he's ready.
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