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Jun 16-22

This Week

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Well, I know you have all missed me.  Mainly because I am so cute.  Believe you me, I have gotten even cuter now that I am filling out.  Wait until you see the pictures.  I will upload them as soon as I am done posting this update. So hold your horses and be patient. 

Before doing giving you an update, you all were so good at praying for me so long, I need to pay it forward.

My parents know some people that go to their church who had a baby.  If you thought I was small, check out his stats.  He was born about a week ago at an Indianapolis hospital.  He was born at 24 works and at 1 pound 2.5 ounces.  He really needs your prayers and God's hand.  He does have a bubby like me.  He is only 3 years old.  At least my bubby had an idea of what was going on, the baby does not.  It is going to be hard on his bubby and his parents.  Please pray for them like you prayed for me.  It meant the world to my parents and I.  I mean, look how I turned out...

Ok, now that I have asked for your prayers again, I will give you an update on beautiful me!

I am now 12 pounds 12oz and taller than i was before.  I tried to ask my parents and they didn't know.  Besides changing my poopy diaper and feeding, what are they good for?

I have OT and PT once a week each.  PT has been working on rolling over, sitting up and my soon to have six pack.  Wait for the pics ladies, I will make the Terminator jealous.  I am now sitting up on my own for short periods of time, especially when a toy is placed in front of me.  I can roll over from my stomach to my back and I have recently started to roll over from my back to my stomach.  I am trying to not learn many things too fast so my parents don't know how smart I really am.  I love to put my own paci in my mouth.  If you try to, I will tell you to go away.  Hand me the paci and I will do it, because I am a big kid now!

I have my own truck (bouncie seat/walker), an F150 like my dad.  Unkie Dale, don't say a word!  In case you didn't know the "F" stands for "Fantastic"...thank you very much!  I love sitting up in my truck.  It makes me feel so big.

I am starting to eat some "baby" food. Yesterday, I fed myself with a spoon.  Not much food, but some food.  Hey, it is a start.  Give me a break.

I also have to say, I have the best brother.  He loves on me, looks after me, plays video games with me and just holds me.  He even let me touch a PS4 controller.  That was really cool.  I was able to play along and he didn't even get mad when I killed him.  Isn't he so cool?

So you know, I have not posted because at home, my parents locked everything down and I couldn't type or send updates.  So please yell at them for not allowing my inner writer to grow and flourish.  it is very rude of them.

One final thing, as proof as how cute I am, everyone (even if they do not know it) stares out me and a lot even tell my parents how adorable I am.  I would respond, but I need to keep my smartness to myself, at least in public.

Well, I need to go.  Before I do, please remember to pray for my friend I have not yet met.  He really needs your help.

Love y'all.

A long road means a greater opportunity for God to shine!

1 Peter 5:7


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