Bryce’s Story

Site created on February 11, 2021

This fall Bryce began having digestive issues that did not resolve themselves.  Initial testing did not reveal a cause and his condition worsened.  Over a month passed without answers.  He had lost quite a bit of weight and was too ill to attend school for most of the month of December.  A trip to the ER finally resulted in a likely diagnosis of IBD.  We were able to see a pediatric gastroenterologist the next day and he confirmed that Bryce likely had Crohn's disease.  A colonoscopy and endoscopy the day before Christmas led to that finite diagnosis.  In January he began treatment by way of infusion Remicade at the Roger Maris Center.  While Crohn's disease has no cure, long term remission is the goal.  He will continue to have infusion treatments every 8 weeks to keep his symptoms from reappearing.  The Remicade has done wonders in turning things around!  He has gained weight, his digestive issues have resolved, he feels good, and he is a happy and (seemingly) healthy kid again.  What a relief!  Unfortunately, throughout all of this, Bryce's liver enzymes have remained elevated.  While we hoped that beginning treatment would resolve that issue as well, it has not.  His Sanford IBD doctor has referred him to specialists at the Mayo Clinic to investigate further what is causing his liver numbers to be elevated.  I believe strongly in the power of prayer and we appreciate all of your support and concern as we work to bring Bryce back to full health!

Newest Update

Journal entry by Laura Peterson

I have been waiting to hear from Bryce's liver doctor before sharing his results with you all.  Last Thursday, when I received the alert that his test results were available online, I anxiously held my breath.  I had prayed for the best, but tried to prepare myself for the worst.  I am still in shock and beyond relieved to have found that his liver enzymes were completely NORMAL!!  Not just improved, but NORMAL!  They have not been normal since we started doctoring the beginning of November.  To put it in perspective, the normal range for ALT is 0-55; at the highest, his was 654; on Thursday, it was 25.  Twenty-five!! I am still shaking my head in ecstatic disbelief as I type this.  

To quote the Mayo hepatologist, "Bryce's liver enzymes look wonderful!"  There is one additional test they want to run to check the biliary function as well.  If that also shows improvement, they will continue to monitor the liver every few months.  To say this is miraculous is an understatement.  The Mayo doctors can't explain it, as they were sure he was presenting symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis.  I have tried many times to find the right words to thank the Lord for hearing and answering our prayers for healing, but nothing seems sufficient to show my true gratitude.  

Unfortunately, Bryce is now experiencing a flare in his Crohn's symptoms, brought on by a digestive infection.  His gastroenterologist was quick in testing to determine a cause and putting him on an antibiotic to get the infection under control.  He will also be going in on Thursday for another Remicade infusion.  Instead of infusions every 8 weeks, the doctor would like him to have them every 4 weeks for now to hopefully achieve clinical remission.  My hope is that we can soon find a routine and treatment plan that will allow him to be symptom free long term.  I am incredibly thankful for knowledgeable doctors that are quick to communicate and look for answers.

How do I adequately thank you all for keeping Bryce in your thoughts and prayers?  There is not a doubt in my mind that all of you have much to do with the liver's miraculous healing.  From your mouths to God's ears... 

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  If you would, please continue to pray for healing.  The last few months have seemed like one obstacle after another and Bryce so deserves to catch a break here soon.  My trust is in the Lord's plans and knowing that “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.  

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