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Jun 16-22

This Week

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What a month! To say the least it has been great to do normal things with out stressing over the potential for infection. It has been a busy few weeks since I last updated.
On April 8th, we watched the solar eclipse and Bryant Jr and his sweet friend CJ were invited by my niece Jordyn to through out the first pitch of her softball game that raised money for St Jude.   Both CJ and Bryant were in Memphis at the same time. I was so happy that he was not to nervous and had fun going out on the field to throw that first pitch.  It gave me such a happy feeling to see both CJ and Bryant together again, thinking back to them both when they were both in the thick of it in Memphis, and then for the long hospitalizations in Peoria. There they were together, smiling, doing something  fun!
First pitch!

Kelsie is gearing up for Baseball and any chance she gets she wants to be out hitting the ball or playing catch. Both Kids start their practices on Monday and will have games starting soon.

We finally got the boat out for the first time this spring, the kids are sad that their favorite place  Boondocks to stop when fishing is gone but we had fun!

Little B finally got fitted for his new set of braces on the 22nd.   the past times he was so upset but this time he did great. He sat still and got a little upset and started crying because the casting stuff is wet and cold, but even though he cried he was still and did what needed to be done.   He will get the first pair on the 21st and the second on the 24th.  


Both kids were so excited to show us their classrooms and school for school open house.  Surprisingly Bryant was really shy when we visited his room.  Kelsie had worked hard on her art and was excited to show us everything.  I cannot believe that next year we will have a Kindergartener and Second grader! I'd be lying if I said kindergarten doesn't make me nervous.   I know he will do great it will just be a big change for him to go all day.

Friday April 26th, was his second off treatment appointment. This appointment was designated as his TOT appointment (transition off treatment).   This appointment we met with every one on the team at the clinic.   Doctor (unfortunately his doctor Dr. Ross was out that day), Child life, Case coordinator, nutrition,  PT, and counselor.  It was a long appointment.     He did fairly well for labs still much better than he did when he had "buddy".     

His counts absolute neutrophils, white blood cells and hemoglobin actually came down.   His lower hemoglobin would explain why we saw a lot more bruising than we have seen on him.  She wants him to continue Bactrim for the time being to make sure that he does not get the PCP pneumonia.   He is doing well weaning off of the hydrocortisone so I am hopeful when he gets his adrenal test when we return from Kauai, he will get the all clear that it won't be a life long issue.   He is down to one pill a day and will finish that next week .  He has to take four other medications in the morning and evening but we are slowly weaning back on those.

At the TOT appointment we were given a binder, its actually a very informative binder as it has all of his information summarized for his future doctors.   It has his diagnosis, the stats from when he was diagnosed, the study he was on, the complications during treatment and his current late affects of treatment.   It also lists the totality of all the chemo he has received and includes the cumulative doses of each chemotherapy drug.  They then used this information to provide a customized guidebook to care going forward and complications to look out for.    For example one of the drugs can cause heart issues and because he had some in the beginning, he will need echocardiograms every so often.    

It's strange because it wasn't until I got that book and saw the total chemos and the "late effects" of treatment listed I was pretty un emotional.   When I got the book it really hit home, reading all that he has gone through , seeing what he's already dealing with that likely won't go away and reading about what "could" happen.   When asked by his case coordinator how I was feeling now that treatment was done, she said many parents struggle with it being done.   I thought about it and I said,  I am so happy it's done, I feel like we can live and we will continue to get out and live as much as we can. So I am happy it is done, but sad and mad that he had to go through this.   I am mad that any child has to know the pain of cancer itself and then has to endure the unimaginable pain of treatment.

I am thankful, he is getting better and is a totally different little boy since ending treatment. In fact as we were driving to his appointment, I looked at him in the rearview mirror because he had said something funny only to see a sweet little smirk that I had completely forgotten he used to have all the time before he got sick.   It truly settled my heart and left me with a smile.

We ended last week getting to go to a forge night St Jude benefit put on by a co-worker and got to play with a donkey that used to live at my work, pet horses and play. I am thankful for everyone's support!  Honestly, I don't know what we would have done without St. Jude and I am so thankful to my sister Jenny for saying we have to get him to St Jude, when he was first diagnosed.

Again, I know that many of you still follow Bryant's journey so I will keep you updated.  If we aren't friends on Facebook, I am much better at posting pictures on there so feel free to send me a friend request.    His next clinic appointment is at the end of the month.

Water fun:

First time fishing this year:


Checking out the river:

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