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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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Many people have kindly been reaching out to see how Brianne is doing. It’s been 6 weeks since her stroke. She amazes us every day with new words, and just her determination and tenacity. 
Mark is out here now and “team Brianne” includes him going to speech therapy with her and helping out with what needs to be done around the house. It’s such a good feeling to be all together and to watch Brianne improve.
Not going to lie though, it’s hard at times. We can’t possibly imagine what she is experiencing trying to communicate with an injured brain. Fortunately we found a gal (rather she found Brianne) that can speak to the situation because she suffered the same type of stroke in 2014. She is coming over tomorrow to spend some time encouraging her. From what she and her husband have said, people who have met her after the stroke don’t notice she ever had one. And those that knew her before the stroke only see minor glitches, generally when she is tired, in finding the word she is looking for. 

We feel extremely blessed! Yes, there are challenges. Some days are harder than others, some days we laugh alot. But God is doing a big work in this family and I know the testimony that will come out of all this will be remarkable, just like Brianne.

One thing I need to do is remind people, we never know what life will handle us. So don’t take anyone for granted, tell them you love them often. Don’t hold onto anger. Apologize if you need to, sooner rather than later. Laugh often, enjoy your people. We could have lost Brianne, but she is still here. She will recover and continue to bring joy to those around her.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thank each and every one of you who has prayed for Brianne and us, donated meals and finances, sent notes or cards, called and visited. We are truly blessed.

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