Help Bret Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Bret’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 26 donors who have made a donation in honor of Bret.

In loving memory of Bret Molnar, who fought so hard against cancer every day since his diagnosis. Bret was a good husband, father, and friend. We will miss him dearly.
Judy & Joe Bielawski | Jun 29, 2021
John Hillis | Jun 28, 2021
Keep up the good vibes, what a fighter!!!
Janet M O'Neill | Jun 2, 2021
Praying for you every day, and hoping for the best for you. God bless you, Bret!
Tons of Love, Barb and Bob | May 12, 2021
Happy Birthday, Bret!! You're the man!!!!
Janet | May 3, 2021
Keep fighting the good fight, Brett!!! You've got this!! Hugs to you and Patti
Jane Phan | Feb 2, 2021
Terrific news Brett and a testament to the power of all of our prayers.
Linda and Dan Crego | Feb 1, 2021
You are such a strong man Bret! Keep fighting! We are sending our love to you?? Continued prayers asking Jesus to cleanse your body of this nasty disease and for the strength to fight every day
Xoxo, The Turks | Jan 19, 2021
You guys are in my heart. Sending love.
Lori Weber | Jan 16, 2021
Happy New Year, Bret and Patty! Sending love and wishes for a new year full of hope, peace and healing.
John & Becki | Jan 2, 2021