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Jun 16-22

This Week

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A reflection on Brent’s Journey from his mom Carla:

Six months ago to date (Friday, April 3rd)we received the worst news of our life...Brent was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). His blood had 100% leukemic cancerous cells. Dr. Corso explained to us Brent was a VERY sick man and was critically ill. AML has only a 27% survival rate.  

He told us to PRAY Brent had a subtype of AML, called APL (Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia) which would be determined by a Bone Marrow Biopsy later in the day. With the advances in diagnosis and treatment APL, once considered the most aggressive n fatal forms of Leukemia, now has a 90% cureable rate!!! Thanks to all the faithful prayers warriors from all over the world, our prayers and the definitive diagnosis of APL was confirmed on Saturday evening. Brent had been started on the medication ATRA on admission Friday (ATRA is the drug that changed the game for APL) in hopes his Bone Marrow Biopsy proved to be APL. 

Brent went through 24/7 of Chemo for 7 days (2 types simultaneously for 3 days of the7). He battled APL for 24 days INPATIENT with Jesus by his side. He walked out of Gibbs Cancer Center April 27th in REMISSION to a parking lot full of family and friends cheering him on!! The convoy of Rev Towing Trucks, firetrucks and cars (45 vehicles) that lead Brent home was so humbling!!Our friends, and just people that had followed his story that we didn’t even know, lined Hwy 9 with signs, screams of we love you, we are praying for you!! I cry as I’m reflecting on this awesome day! Round 1 of Chemo was complete and Brent was home with his wife and babies! 

Brent’s body rebounded, normal labs (Only God!), regained his strength and started growing his beard back all before Round 2 began in June. He battled through 2 phases of 5weeks each and finished like a champ with minimal side effects during Round 2. A detail lab test showed Brent was cancer free TOTAL REMISSION at this phase. 

He is now is the middle of Round 3 (2phases). He has completed Phase 1 like a warrior. Minimal side effects. Another detailed lab test again proved Total REMISSION! His beard had grown back thick n curly. It is beginning to shed. The least of our worries! His FINAL Phase 2  and last of Chemo will be for 3 days (October 13-15)! What a joyous day October 15th will be. Brent will Ring the Bell!!!  

I say all this to give God all the Honor and Glory for Brent’s Journey. God has been so faithful to answer our prayers!! We as a family will never be able thank each of you for your faithfulness to pray, give money, gifts, meals, on and on! We are so BLESSED!!! Our prayer is Brent’s Journey can lead someone to Christ. HE is a witness to God’s Healing Power!!

The first picture attached is from last night. Would you think he’s in the midst of the Red Devil Chemo?! I’m posting a few others through the journey to remind us all where God brought him from!!

Mark 10:27
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.’”

Exodus 14:14
The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."



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