Bonnie’s Story

Site created on April 2, 2019

On Friday March 22, Bonnie traveled to Jacksonville, FL.,to visit family. On Saturday around noon she came back from the beach for lunch and had a seizure just after coming inside. She was found by a family member and they called 911. She was taken to the emergency room at the Mayo Clinic/Hospital in Jacksonville, where she had several more seizures and was unconscious. The ER team conducted a CAT scan and MRI and discovered meningioma, a tumor at the left front lobe of her brain. The tumor was large, and the neurology team at Mayo recommended surgery to remove the tumor, which occurred on Tuesday,  March 26. The surgery  went well. Bonnie was discharged on Thursday, March 28,  and Bonnie and Bruce returned home on Friday. Pathology results showed that that the tumor was benign. Bonnie must remain on anti-seizure medication and will be unable to drive for at least 6 months.

We have been amazed with the support we have received from our family and friends on this journey. Bonnie's sister and brother and law, Robin and John Manherz live in Jacksonville and provided support by caring for our son's, Joseph and Bryan, and providing emotional and practical support in so many ways. Other family members and friends have supported us with their prayers, visits, calls, texts and meals. We are grateful for God's presence and care during this time . It seems like no coincidence that Bonnie's symptoms for a tumor that may have been growing for 10 years first occurred only 10 miles from one of the best neurosurgery hospitals in the country.  Thank you for sharing Bonnie's story with us. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Bonnie Tolbert

As of today, it has been six months since I had the series of seizures revealing my brain tumor. I have not had any more seizures since then, so I am officially allowed to drive again! 

Here are some other highlights since my last journal entry in late July:
  • My mother's health is much better. At her last appointment a couple of weeks ago, her doctor said she should "thank God" for how well she is doing and that she may even make a full recovery from the illness that beset her shortly after my brain surgery.
  • I started back to teaching my full load of private students the second week in August, and I have been rebuilding my stamina as I enjoy teaching 17 delightful students (15 children and 2 adults).
  • I have learned how to use Uber!
  • The anti-seizure medication I have to take for 18 more months has been making me feel tired most of the time. But I called my neurologist today, and she gave me permission to reduce the dosage since I have been seizure-free for six months! Hooray!
My next big health milestone is getting another MRI in January of next year. I am also hoping to restart my adult piano class at the Tucker Recreation Center in January.

Thank you again for your support and caring. I hope to continue to be able to update you with good news.
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