Bonnie’s Story

Site created on March 8, 2018

On Wednesday March 7, Bonnie started to experience chest heaviness while at work. I was home, she drove over so that she wouldn't be alone. The pain continued... as a nurse we discussed the benefits of going to the ER to get "checked out". This would prove to be the absolute best decision! They evaluated her in the emergency department and found that her heart had questionable damage. Fast forward to Thursday March 8, she underwent a cardiac cath (diagnostic test to look at the arteries that supply oxygen rich blood to the heart) and the team found that she has 3 blockages. On Friday March 9 she will under go coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. As a family, we ask that you come to this site for all updates! Kristen, Judson and I need to channel our focus on Bonnie's recovery & not to individual text messages and voicemails. Thank you for your love and prayers! 

We have each been touched by Bonnie's gracious, giving and humble heart, together we will get through this!!!

love & happy hearts

Berrin Ammons 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Berrin Ammons

I'm sure ya'll are thinking I fell off the earth, Thank goodness I did not. I'm a full time nurse and in school full time, my first priority was getting Bonnie recovered enough to get back to her house after discharge. . so here we are again with an update.

Bonnie was discharged two weeks ago😃 She recovered with me and Judson for the first four nights. This was a good transition for her, we live in a ranch style home and I was available to provide her care as needed around the clock. This also kept Kristen and Judson from using their personal paid time away from work. (For those that didn't know, I had pre planned 12 days off. Divine Intervention for sure!)  She is progressing well, eating when her appetite can tolerate it and walking. After major surgery, it's normal for ones appetite to be suppressed for weeks and even up to a few months after. There were a lot of changes in her body in combination with anesthesia and medications. Her battle wounds are healing and we are all slowly coming off the adrenaline rush that lasted a few weeks.

Kristen, Judson and I are back to work, school and life. We are getting Bonnie to/from appointments and out of the house when she feels like it. She is getting stronger everyday and adjusting to her new normal.

We are so thankful for ALL the visits, food, flowers, card, texts, groceries and treats... the list goes on and on. The four of us have loved and leaned on each other hard, because that's what family is for! We are so appreciative for support of friends along the way. It's not possible to get through something like this without ya'll!

love & happy hearts,
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