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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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A Note From Dad

Today is a big day for my precious friend. Preparing for big days can often be daunting. Grocery shopping for large numbers of family and friends, making sure we send out invitations and don’t forget anybody.  Weddings, birthdays, Christmas, graduation and one of my favorites the birth of a child.  Deb and I have had the blessing of all of those big days and look forward to those big days ahead of us.  Today is a big day but not one we have been looking forward to.  
Today is Chemo day for Deb, this will be the second round of chemo and she will have had 18 rounds of radiation by the time 2:00 rolls around and 6 hours of cobra venom and drain-o are pumped into her in the hopes that it will kill the remaining cancer cells that have turned her world upside down.  We will begin the day at 7:00 with a delicious hotel breakfast and then we will head to the hospital.  She has a hearing test at 8:30, blood draw at 9:45, radiation at 10:45, meeting with the chemo doctor at 11:30, appointment with the surgeon is at 12:15 and finally chemo at 2:00 - 9:00. I think today will be a good day for us to hold tightly to Gods word and His promises.

Philippians 4:6-7 New King James Version (NKJV)
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Deb is wonderful and amazing, she is stronger than an NFL lineman.  I am humbled every day as I watch her battle. The inside of her mouth is raw from radiation, her throat is covered in sores and her beautiful hair has begun to fall out from the last round of chemo.  Some days she is able to eat small amounts of soft food but only if she works real hard at stretching her mouth with that awful tool 25-30 times a day. Through all of this she is the most charming I have ever seen her.  She is the lady in the waiting room cheering when the bell is rung signaling another patients completion of radiation treatments.  She is the one thanking the nurses and staff for working so hard.  She is the one thanking the staff at the hotel for making our breakfast and cleaning our room.  In my opinion – she is the one.
Please pray for Deb today

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