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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Tuesday greetings,

This is Blake with an update.  As you know, the previous few weeks have offered a challenging array of health complications.  I'm pleased to report that I'm improving on all fronts.  I've healed from the dental procedures (3 root canals).  The shingles on my ear are healing - slowly.  My throat/voice are returning to normal.  And my face is returning to it's pre-Bell's-Palsy appearance.  This process has required great patience.  I'm so grateful for everyone's prayers and support.  You - the people that God has placed in my life - from Greenwood, to Fort Mill, to Charlotte, to Nashville,  and from many other places - YOU amaze me.  I often find myself daydreaming - thanking God for the amazing collection of friends that keep me going.  THANK YOU! 

This Friday, I will have a Peritoneal Equilibration Test (PET).  This test will identify how my peritoneal membrane interacts with dialysate fluid - which helps indicate the dialysis prescription that works best for me.  Currently - I'm doing 9 hour treatments 7 days/week.  This PET test takes about 5 hours to complete (in the PD clinic).  I'm anxious to see if I will get to decrease my treatments or stay at the current prescription.

In other news, my struggles with insomnia continue - unfortunately.  This is common for stage-5 renal patients.  Nighttime has become my most challenging part of the day.  I wrestle with restless legs, anxiety, stress, etc.  Thank you for keeping this concern in your prayers.

Anna and the kids are all busy finishing the school year.  Winston is about to finish middle school; Mary-Blake is about to finish elementary school.  Summer break is looming, which means sleeping in and visiting our neighborhood pool as frequently as possible.  I will be taking a big step back from work this summer (June, July, and August).  I will be working on Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays.  On all other days, I'll be practicing health and rest-related habits to strengthen my body and rest my soul.  May this be a time of deep healing for me.  Keep the prayers coming, friends.

Every blessing,


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