Blaine’s Story

Site created on December 24, 2022

Hello to all of our prayer warriors! We have set up this website to provide updates on Baby Blaine's progress while he is in the NICU. We plan to update it 1-2 times per day. Below is a quick summary of how we ended up here: 

On Monday, December 12 our gestational carrier was admitted to the hospital at 3cm dilated. She received steroids (for baby's lungs) and magnesium (for baby's brain) and remained stable all week. On Sunday night, December 18 her water broke but was just a small leak. On Monday, December 19 she started having back labor and we made the hard decision to do a c section so that he would arrive safely. At this age every second matters during delivery since he cannot yet breathe on his own. 

Blaine Matthew Roadhouse was born on December 19 at 7:10pm. He was 23 weeks 3 days and he weighed 1lb 6oz when he was born, which is 90th percentile for his age. He is currently in the NICU in North Carolina and will be here until at least his due date of April 14. He's teeny tiny but already has a lot of Matt's features. He is such a sweet angel and everyone in the NICU loves his "spicy" personality. Please keep praying for our sweet boy!!

Abby's Venmo: @Abigail-Roadhouse

UPDATE: We transferred to the NICU at Children's Hospital in Wisconsin in May 2023. After 193 days in the NICU, we discharged on June 30, 2023. Blaine is FINALLY home and we could not be happier. THANK YOU so much to all of our prayer warriors for your love and support during this difficult period. We will continue to update this site periodically with Blaine's progress.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Abby Roadhouse

This is not the kind of update I want to give but the good news is that it has a happy ending and Blaine is OK! THANKFULLY!

Matt is on the coaching squad for the Brookfield Stars. We had a very exciting sectional finals game on Friday night and won against KMMO 3-2 to advance to the state tournament next weekend! Of course we brought Blaine because he loves watching hockey and then we ended up celebrating with the team afterwards so we went to bed a little later than usual.

On Saturday, Blaine slept in and then was pretty clingy and  took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. That is longer than normal but I figured it was from our big night on Friday. He felt hot to the touch so we checked his temp and it was 98.9 degrees. I gave him some tylenol and he had some more before bed just because he seemed like he didn't feel great and had the elevated temp.

On Sunday morning he was whining so I was holding him in the bed and I noticed his left arm was shaking. I woke Matt up and thought he was shivering but it was a jerking motion and he was just staring at me. Then his eyes rolled back into his head and we realized he was having a seizure. It was THE SCARIEST THING! I immediately called 911. He started having a full body seize and wasn't breathing so he was turning blue. THANKFULLY we had put the oxygen on him on Saturday when he wasn't feeling good so the doctors said he would have at least been getting some oxygen. We think the seizure lasted around 12 minutes.

When I was explaining to the paramedics what happened they were like oh yeah that's probably just a febrile seizure, which NO ONE TOLD US ABOUT. These can happen at the onset of an illness when your fever jumps rapidly in a short period of time. The paramedic took his temp and it was 101 so not super high but they think it jumped from like 98-101 in a minute or so, which then can cause the body to overheat and can trigger a short seizure. These can occur in children from 5 months to 5 or 6 years and can happen once or multiple times. It just depends. The paramedics asked if we wanted to take him to the ER and we said absolutely given his medical history. I rode in the ambulance with him and Matt met us there.

The new ER at Children's is really nice if you ever need to go. Based on his medical history and the fact that the seizure started on one side and lasted a little longer than a typical febrile seizure, the neurologist wanted to admit Blaine overnight and perform an EEG test. For the EEG they put 20-30 sensors on his head and monitor brain activity for abnormalities. It took awhile to get a room so we were in the ER for like 6 hours before they moved us upstairs.

I posted some pics of the test with this post. Blaine was still pretty lethargic on Saturday and seemed sick but had no symptoms other than the fever. He was very scared at night and would not sleep in their crib so I think I got a total of 20 minutes of sleep last night...

THE GOOD NEWS is that the EEG came back normal with no abnormal brain activity. They do not think he will have any brain damage from the seizure either which is good to hear. At this point, we are leaning towards febrile seizure but are going to continue monitoring with neurology outpatient. We are still kind of in a grey area and they gave us some things to look out for. We also talked about what to do in this situation. IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOUR CHILD, you should put them on their side in case they puke, call 911 and just comfort them until it's over. Unfortunately there is not much you can do in the moment. If he does end up having another seizure, there is a medication they can prescribe to give him once a seizure starts but right now he is too little to take it.

VERY SCARY and frankly traumatizing two days for us over here. Just when you think you are out of the scary days, something like this happens and brings you back. I haven't been that scared we were going to lose him in months. We are SO GRATEFUL to have the medical team at Children's close by and are hoping this is his only seizure for his entire life. By Monday morning he was back to his normal self, eating cheerios in the bed watching Bluey and giggling with all of the doctors and nurses. My mom got him a school bus as a present for being so brave at the hospital. ❤️❤️

Also, one quick update. Pulmonology is still reviewing the results of his sleep study so we were told today to keep him on oxygen at night until we hear more.

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