Billy’s Story

Site created on May 3, 2018

Welcome Family and Friends. Our sweet daughter in law has set up this CaringBridge page to keep everyone updated on Billy-Jo’s journey to battle cancer. People who know Billy-Jo, know that he is a caring person who for many years has lovingly taken care of family members and his patients without complaint. Now Billy-Jo needs our support and encouragement.

Last weekend Billy-Jo started feeling bad. We thought it was a stomach virus. However, by Monday (April 30th)he had become increasingly ill. We made a trip to the hospital where we received news that will forever change the way we look at how precious life is. Billy-Jo’s MRI showed a severe bowel obstruction and tumors on both Kidneys. The doctors said the treatment for this type of cancer is surgical. He will go to Abbott Northwestern Hospital for surgery. The tumor on his right kidney is in the center of the kidney so they will have to remove the entire right kidney and surrounding lymph nodes. The tumor on the left kidney is on top so they will take out about 1/3 of the kidney. We were initially concerned that he would need dialysis but the nephrologist said a person with at least a half of a kidney can live without dialysis as long as the remaining portion is healthy. If the remaining portion of the left kidney become unhealthy he will be put on the kidney transplant list. We are not focusing on what might be. We are keeping a positive attitude and taking it one day at a time.

In the meantime, Wednesday evening (May 2nd) he required surgery for the bowel obstruction. They found 2 areas of dilated bowel with a constricted area in between. They believe that constricted area was what was causing the bowel obstruction. Unfortunately, there was a tumor on the constricted area. The surgeon is concerned about the tumor since he has the cancer in the kidneys. They removed 5 inches of bowel and the surrounding lymph nodes and sent it for pathology. The results should be in by Saturday. We are keeping our fingers crossed for clear margins/lymph nodes. We will follow up with the specialist for the kidney in a week or so after he has had time to recover a bit from the bowel resection.

In retrospect we are looking at the bowel obstruction as a blessing in disguise. If it were not for that we would not know about the renal cancer. I guess it was our silver lining. Billy-Jo is more than my husband, he is my best friend and life partner. We are a great team. I have no doubt that we can crush this cancer. Your support and encouragement will be helpful during this time. We would like to thank everyone who has called, texted, and visited. It is greatly appreciated. The outpouring of love and empathy has been very uplifting to Billy-Jo. 

We will post updates as we get new news. Again, thank you all! We love you. to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Cheri Spychala

I sincerely apologize for not staying up to date on Billy-Jo's progress. With this being his third major surgery in just over 4 months I have felt a bit overwhelmed. I have heard a few people are upset that I have not updated recently and for this I truly apologize.
Billy-Jo's last surgery went well. We were expecting a total nephrectomy of the right kidney, however, the surgeon was able to save approximately 40% of the right kidney. We are very pleased with that. The nephrologist estimates his total kidney function between both kidneys is approximately 43%, so dialysis is not needed at this time. They consider him to have moderate to severe kidney disease due to the loss of kidney volume versus kidney pathology, which the doctors say is a good thing because the remaining portion of the kidneys are healthy.
The oncologist states that there is a approximately 20% chance of recurrence within 5 years. However, this statistic is based on patients with cancer in only one kidney. They do not have statistics for someone who had bilateral kidney tumors as well as a Neuroendocrine tumor in the small intestine. All in all, we are keeping a positive outlook with this news. The oncologist is going to be monitoring for recurrence with CT scans every 6 months.
Since the surgery, Billy-Jo has been significantly anemic which has caused him to be severely fatigued. The nephrologist is not sure if the anemia is due to surgical blood loss or as a result of the decreased kidney function. He on iron supplements and his latest lab work shows some improvement. Due to the moderate to severe kidney disease he is no longer allowed to take NSAIDS (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) such as Ibuprofen. 
Billy-Jo is anxious to get back to work in December as long as he continues to improve. He especially misses his colleges as well as his patients.
Thank you for all the support and kindness that has been shown.
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