Bill’s Story

Site created on June 24, 2023

Hello family and friends. 3 weeks ago, Bill went to the doctor after a persistent cough. They prescribed an inhaler and scheduled additional tests. The scans showed a mass in his right lung. The biopsy came back saying it is small- cell lung cancer. After a full body scan, it showed Bill also has spots on his liver. Bill and Diane met with his oncology team ( they are fabulous) in Sioux Falls to come up with a treatment plan. He will do immunotherapy and chemo three days in a row and then will be off for three weeks, for 4 cycles. Please pray for no side effects and the cancer to shrink. Please check back here for updates on his treatment and journey.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Brent Osborne

Hey all

Been a bit, no updates as there hasn’t been much to tell. Dad is feeling good, immunotherapy continued, and really hasn’t much to say until this week. Dad went in for the 3 month scans following the cyber knife and rescans after chemo ended. Couple long days of appointments show the following: 

His brain MRI shows more lesions..they think 3 at this time? The old ones responded very well and are resolved. Cyber knife slated for Tues the 16th.

Working on scheduling a PetScan as the lymph nodes in his lungs have increased in size. Dr wondering if disease is active again. No new or growing tumors in his lungs, so that’s good. Lymph nodes and lesions do indicate cancer is active, but team isn’t overly concerned. This is normal for small cell lung cancer - responds well to treatment, and comes back quick too. 

Dad will restart chemo & infusion like before. Looking like that starts the 23rd. He will be able to do the 1st round in Sioux Falls, the other 2 in Spirit Lake. Obviously not what any of us hoped to hear but thankful we are able to utilize therapies he handled  well the first time around. Additionally, there are other chemo options if he doesn’t respond to the current plan - grateful it’s caught early again and we can start treatment right away. Attitudes are good and positive, which is huge! And warmer days and sunshine certainly help as well!

So, pray as you are led. Send the good energy to dad and mom. We will keep you posted, and appreciate the love and support! Steady on, friends. 

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