Help Betsy Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Betsy’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 25 donors who have made a donation in honor of Betsy.

Betsy, we are glad you are doing much better and wish you a happy birthday. Best to you and Jeremy. Jan Jewett and Rick Nitti (Melissa's parents)
Jan Jewett And Rick Nitti | Sep 15, 2023
Meaghan Burdick | Feb 2, 2023
You go girl!! You are an inspiration to all. God Bless.
Julie Mariani | Dec 8, 2022
Get better soon Betsy!!!!!
Michael Cohen | Dec 6, 2022
Betsy! We haven't met before but I'm a big fan of your husband. Cancer has touched my family in so many ways and I'm inspired by you and your incredible spirit! Congratulations on the new little one. Stay Strong! Martin Ludlow
Martin | Nov 1, 2022
We are happy to hear about the continued progress. We love you, Betsy.
Ruth Ann And Wayne | Oct 31, 2022
Words fail me. Have just learned of your journey. Sending love, hope & positive energy, tho you are clearly surrounded by (and emanating! ) a treasure trove full already. Thank you for sharing. And happy birthday!
Lydia LaGue (Liza's Mom) | Oct 30, 2022
I am sending love and prayers and a donation as another one of your daily prayer partners! I walked in your shoes 15 years ago with a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. I now celebrate each day cancer free!
Blessings. Kris Hancock | Oct 28, 2022
I am a proud Betsy Hoover groupee and always remember this - 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going!' Love, Gersh
Gersh | Oct 27, 2022
Good luck - don't hesitate to call if I can help
Sheli Rosenberg | Sep 28, 2022