Leah’s Story

Site created on February 22, 2023

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Hello family and friends I am starting a blog for Benjamin Michael’s journey (pregnancy, birth, and so on) he was diagnosed with TGA transposition of the great arteries at my 20 week scan, confirmed with another in depth ultrasound and echo at 22 weeks with EVMS cardiology. He will require open heart surgery when he is about a week old maybe sooner depending on how he is doing. He will have a 3-4 week nicu stay barring any complications.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Leah Ober

Benny is doing great. He’s down to the last setting for his oxygen levels, and one last IV Heparin. He ate a 15ml bottle but did not drink any more at his last two feeds. Im not sure if he’s still on oxy I’ll have to ask, but he is on a medication to help with his withdrawal symptoms which he can go home with, so not worried about being off that medication. Once he’s off oxygen he’s one step closer to coming home. If feeding is an issue they’ll do a G-tube and send him home. He’s on the regular wing now so he currently shares a room with another kid. Not sure how I really feel about this wing. The nurses don’t come in as much, his roommate has been screaming/crying for the last hour the parents called the nurse button and no one came. I’m anxious as heck that they will just let him cry and since I’m not there he won’t be comforted. I stayed later tonight to make sure he was sleeping and comfortable before I left. I know a lot of it is just nerves and postpartum hormones. Potentially some leftover ptsd from when Addison was in the nicu and with her constantly being poked and pricked I don’t do well with constant screaming/crying babies. I just want to know my baby is being cared for. If I don’t sleep well tonight I’ll probably call for an update which his nurse said I could do. 
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