Benjamin’s Story

Site created on December 18, 2020

   On December 13, 2020 Benjamin was driving east in I-80 after being furloughed from his job in LA. While traveling toward his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska, a car going the opposite direction on I-80 crossed the median and hit Ben's car head on, tearing the roof off his car and crushing nearly all of it.  Miraculously, Ben was not killed. 
   He was taken to the nearest hospital in Kearney, Nebraska and from there life flighted to the Bergan Mercy Trauma Center in Omaha. His injuries are many. The most severe include an arm completely broken above the wrist and and a seriously damaged right leg. Too many stitches to count.  
   Ben has a long healing journey ahead. Three surgeries in the first three weeks. When not in the hospital he will be recovering at the home of his mother, Susan Koenig. Cards can be sent to him at 1266 S 13th St. , Omaha, NE  68108.
   Because the level of care Ben needs right  now is high, please share any updates you read here with others. He has too many who love him to be able to keep everyone updated personally.
   Benjamin is overflowing with gratitude to be alive, determined to heal, and appreciative of your loving support.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Susan Koenig

Today marks the 6 month anniversary of Benjamin's life-changing, body crushing, soul expanding start to this chapter of his life.
Since the last entry, most weeks have had much of the same for Ben---relentless dedication to rehabilitation and healing. For him this has meant everything from multiple sessions of therapy (occupational for his hand/wrist/finger and physical for his leg) weekly and daily home exercises.

His two orthopedic surgeons each report that x-rays show his bones are healing wonderfully! The pins and plates are doing their job.

In contrast to the bones, the multiple muscles, tendons and joints still have a long distance to go. Ben has expanded his healing team to include some gifted body workers who are helping with the overall trauma while supporting him to improve his flexibility, mobility, and strength, all of which remain compromised in a variety of ways. Ben continues to focus on a whole foods diet and all the supplements that support the specific healing his working toward.

Yesterday Rhea returned to New York. Before she departed, they were both able to be vaccinated and with Ben's improving ability to walk they enjoyed some Omaha sites including the Joslyn Art Museum and the Lauritsen Botanical Garden.

When Ben walks any distance, he manages swelling after.  His pain at this time us closer to a 3 in contrast to the extreme pain of the earlier months.

For those of you who know Ben, you are accustomed to seeing his smile and playfulness. At this time his sadness and overwhelm show on his face despite his commitment to a full recovery in time.  I asked Ben if he felt proud about the progress he's made. "It's more like "determined"," he said. "It's what I expect of myself." 

For a half a year, so many good people have traveled this journey with Ben, giving aid in countless ways. A thousand thanks we give to all. Kindnesses big and small have made more of a difference than you can know.  Next Sunday is Father's Day, and a special acknowledgment goes out to Ben's dad who deserves an honorary Uber award for his super support which has included countless appointments and errands he has driven Ben to over these past months. 
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