Help Ben Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Ben’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 63 donors who have made a donation in honor of Ben.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Ben and your family. We send love and strength to you all as you battle this horrific disease. Lift each other and stay strong!
(Trevor) Kearney Family (Rio) | Jul 12, 2023
Fritz Collins | Jun 30, 2023
So happy you had such a great report! Sending prayers and positive thoughts to a very special young man and his family
Jill Machovec | May 2, 2023
In celebration of your awesome news today we are donating to Caring Bridge. I love keeping up on Ben's progress. You are all so strong! Continued prayers.
Mary Sandmire | May 1, 2023
My friend, Genevieve Kirchman, has told us about Ben and his loving family. Sending you prayers wrapped in hope and love.
Johanna Fallert, Poughkeepsie , NY | Mar 23, 2023
Prayers and Strength.
John and Linda Peterson | Feb 28, 2023
Would love to be able to donate to this wonderful website. We like being able to follow Ben's journey and would like to be part of this experience. We continue to keep Ben and his family in our prayers for a complete recovery.
Marty and Trudy Kinyon | Feb 15, 2023
You're in our prayers and thoughts. God's Blessings be with you!
Michael and Diana Biesek | Feb 8, 2023
I listen to Angels Among Us all the time and think of Ben and his journey. Sending healing prayers and hugs!
Your Friends, Joe And Jill J | Jan 25, 2023
Gods Blessings to Ben and family
Ellen Louis | Dec 29, 2022