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Jun 16-22

This Week

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Today was my stem cell transplant.
We checked in last Monday and began the 6 days of high dose chemo. That finished on Saturday just in time for the patient walk on my floor. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has a walk every year called, "Light the Night". This year they decided to do a launch with patients in the hospital. My moms were able to come with the boys and join me. We even made it on the news :) Having events to make this less scary for them is so great to me. I don't want them to fear this. While it's scary, it doesn't have to stay that way. 
Yesterday was my "day of rest" and I was able to see the boys one more time until I come home. Because of the chemo and transplant, I have no immune system and being around anyone less than 12 is a very high risk. Telling a mom she cant love on her babies for 2 weeks is torture. Thankfully the boys have a new house and school to look forward to to keep them distracted. We were able to get just about everything moved in and set up this weekend. And by we I mean Jarred and all our family and friends that helped. I just was a phone call for approval lol.
So starting today, my body is going to go through some crazy effects. Basically the high dose chemo kills off everything in my body. It can also significantly damage my bone marrow. Hence the stem cells. Infusing my own stem cells gives my body the "reset" it needs to get my body producing like it should and have no damage to my marrow. This means I now have no immune system and my body has to rebuild it. A lot of people refer to this as their "re-birth" day. It seems a little odd to say that, but it is a great way to reference it. I was joking with Jarred and the nurses that this means when we are 60, he can say he married a 30 year old haha.
They said it takes an average of 10-14 days for my body to get back on track and be strong enough to go home. During that time, I can have visitors but please check in first. For the first 3 months after I am home we will also have specific stipulations for my exposure as well. I cannot be around anyone with any allergies, cold, or flu like symptoms for at least 24 hours. That means when one of the kids gets sick, I can't be there either. 60-90 days from today we will do another PET scan and then begin a maintenance chemo. Because my cancer was so aggressive, we don't want to give it a chance to come back. We will know more for this regimen when we get closer. For now, I am just hoping that the days go by fast so I can be home with my family. It's never fun feeling bad, but not being at home with my husband and my kids makes it harder. We just keep reminding ourselves, its a short term struggle for a long term gain. It's not easy, so I have to repeat it. 
I have been so humbled by everyone's graciousness and generosity. We have had so many people help us with the boys, food, moving, phone calls, you name it. I don't know how we would have gotten through any of this without you all. And I know it's not over, but you have all blessed our family so much. The smallest ways make a big difference too. So thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, for your love and compassion on our family. 

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