Help Rebecca Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Rebecca’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 24 donors who have made a donation in honor of Rebecca.

Keep at it, Becca.
Phil Dunn | Feb 15, 2020
Sending blessings and love and prayers for strength and hope. Peace, Bev
Bev Edwards | Feb 3, 2020
One day at a time, hang in there Rebecca-you too Mom & Dad
F. Page & Chris Ward, (Laura’s folks) | Feb 2, 2020
Dear Ann & Steve, We began following your journey with Becca several weeks ago after specking with our mutual Cream Hill cousins. Gary and I send our love to all of you.
Betsey & Gary Unger | Feb 2, 2020
Godspeed in your healing.
Judy Ladson | Nov 24, 2019
Paul Taylor | Nov 21, 2019
Kevin Murray | Nov 16, 2019
Dearest Ann and Steve, our hearts are with you, our tears mingle with yours as we try - but know, that we cannot imagine what you are going through. We will be holding Becca and you and Alex in fervent prayers.
With our love, Evelyn and Hugh | Nov 16, 2019
Thank you to Becca's family for setting up this site so that we can all feel connected during her recovery.
Nick Iannacone | Nov 16, 2019
George Franssen | Nov 14, 2019