Help Barb Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Barb’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 13 donors who have made a donation in honor of Barb.

Hang on Barb, moment by moment, day by day. Praying that the new meds will slow down and ultimately stop the cancer train. Hugs. and prayers for the daily journey. ??????. Tina
Tina J Woltil | May 5, 2022
Barb, You are loved by everyone who knows you. Keep up your good fight, Warrior Woman!! We are all behind you!!
Rhonda Dumont | May 3, 2022
With love and hugs to an astounding woman and dear, dear crony...Janis
Janis Brams | May 1, 2022
Praying God has this Barb and He is the one to TRUST right now as you go thru all of this !!
Love You, Jeri Freund | Apr 8, 2022
In honor of my dear friend Barb who is Fighting the Good Fight on the Road to Recovery.
Vicki Santello | Mar 27, 2022
Ran out of space on other message….just want you to know you're in my thoughts daily, sending positive vibes, prayers and love. Ditch the head coverings, bald is beautiful, just watch for sunburn as both my bald sons do
Sister MB | Mar 25, 2022
Sending love and prayers of healing to our dear friend. Love, Bill & Di
Diane Suval | Feb 1, 2022
Love sent your way Barb
Cheryl Dale | Dec 16, 2021
Bill and I love you to pieces. We pray for your continued healing and look forward to visiting you in your beautiful Montana. Love,
Bill and Di | Nov 4, 2021
I know from experience how important, how vital it is to have prayer support from near and far in times of deep distress.
Tina J Woltil | Oct 22, 2021