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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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It has been about three months since my last update, so I wanted to inform everyone on what has been happening since my last post.

The plan was for me to try again to retrieve my stem cells for a future stem cell transplant. We wanted to wait about 3 months after my last chemo treatment since it takes such a toll on my body. So, the day after Thanksgiving, I began the process of giving myself 5 shots a day for 5 days which is supposed to boost my white blood cells and to release stem cells into the bloodstream so they can collect it.  This time around I had the side effects of headache, achy body, flu-like symptoms so I was all ready on Tuesday, November 27th for stem cell collection Attempt #2.

My sister, Jenny and I headed to Karmanos at 7:00 am where once again they draw my blood and then send me for the central line insertion in my neck where they will withdraw my stem cells through.  And then you wait for about 4 hours for the lab results.  They want “some” lab number to be around 20. The first attempt I was at 1 so we were hopeful this time it would be much better. Unfortunately, my “number” went down to .84.  They tried to send me home with that line coming out my neck and come back tomorrow to “try again.” Luckily, my oncologist knows me and took my call right away, agreed that my numbers were too low and to just go home.  So, they took my line out and we came home with a follow-up visit scheduled with Dr. Modi.

Last Tuesday, I met with Dr. Modi and we both agreed that it just seems like my body, at this time, is not ready for the stem cell collection/transplant. We agreed that we will just take a “wait and see” approach and monitor any chance of recurrence by doing quarterly MRIs. I am honestly relieved right now to not have to go through such an aggressive procedure.

It is funny when I tell people what is happening with me, some people say I am so sorry; others say congratulations. And that is exactly how I feel right now.  I am so happy that I can get back to my “normal” life but in the back of my mind will always be the thought of my cancer coming back or is this headache a sinus headache or my cancer?

So even though my cancer does have a very high recurrence rate in the first two years, I am determined to put this cancer behind me and live my life. There are so many people who are going through way worse things so if they can do it, so can I.  Once again, I appreciate every single one of you who were there for me during some of my darkest days and will gladly take any prayers occasionally! Thank you!!


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