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Jun 16-22

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Happy Easter Tribe!

It's been a long time since I have sat at my center island writing updates on Barb.  So, here I sit 355 days since Barb was wheeled into surgery last year to get her new heart.  Tonight I'm enjoying a glass of wine while I reflect on that time and the turbulences we ALL went through.  What a miracle that was, and still is.  I sit here, filled with gratitude for her life, her health, family, and for the doctors and nurses who fought so hard for her.  All those doctors and nurses are still heroes and every other doctor, nurse, firefighter, police officer, grocery store workers and every other essential worker out there are heroes right now in our turbulent times.  We hope you are all safe and healthy now.

Barb received her new heart on Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019.  In talking with her about updating this site on her one year anniversary, we talked about the donor family too.  She has not heard from them in response to her letter.  She is so grateful to them and she hopes to someday get to express that gratitude in person, however she realizes it may never happen.  Everyone handles grief in their own way and that family gave the ultimate sacrifice that may never need further validation or exploration to know they did the right thing.  So, for Barb, Easter Sunday will always be the anniversary of her new heart.  April 21st will always be the special day to honor the donor family and their heroic decisions, or perhaps even the actual donor made that decision beforehand.  We may never know, but the gratitude remains steadfast. 

I do remember being in Church last Easter and during communion asking for special prayer requests for my sister-in-law and dear friend during this surreal time.  The prayer warriors were asking, "Like she is getting a new heart - right now?"  Through my tears I answered, "Yes."  I can tell you today, standing there and having prayers said over Barb while I stood there with tears streaming down my face, praying, will never be forgotten.  The weekend before, on Palm Sunday, I brought a palm leaf to the hospital and put it up on her wall.  It went from room to room with her and eventually home.  There is a picture attached from yesterday, it is still green, not wilted and looks like the day I brought it to her.  Pretty amazing and no words can describe why it is in such good condition today.  Well, I think the Big Guy can explain it...but I don't question that. 

So, how is Barb today, you might be asking?  You just need to look at the pictures to see that she is alive and full of life.  All her numbers are great, things are going well, she has had no setbacks, she exercises an hour a day, 5 to 6 times a week, she feels great.  She is not 100%, but knows that this will take time, probably another year.  Her routine tests were interrupted with the Covid-19 virus going on, but she had some blood work done and a consult with Dr. Pritzker.  After teasing him, loving on the nurses that she has great bonds with (Nancy in particular), she got a clean bill of health.  She has to go in after the dust settles for more testing, but they are not concerned with her progress at this point.  Her and Scott are embracing life, living it and being grateful for all they have.  We all are.  

So, Barb and I agreed that this will be the last update on this site.  We have come a full circle, with the love and support of ALL of you, we made it.  YOU lifted US up and CARRIED us through the most difficult times of our lives and helped us get through it.  How on Earth do you ever say "Thank You" enough for those times?  We know that "Thank you" is not enough, however that is what we can do.  So, to our Tribe, our friends, family, friends of friends, prayer groups, people we have never met, but prayed for Barb and our family.....we say THANK YOU and God Bless each and everyone one of you for supporting us during this hard time. 

Our world is facing other hard times right now with a pandemic that we don't know much about.  So, a shift in prayers is what we need.  Barb is good, she's great and loves you all.  Please switch your prayers to our Country, our Leaders, the World...for healing, peace and comfort as we navigate waters most of us have never walked before. 

Easter Sunday will be small and intimate with my husband Mike (Barb's brother) and our dog, Burton.  I would have never, ever, ever thought it would be like this, but it is the new normal for now.  On behalf of Barb, Scott, their family, our family, we would like to wish you an amazing, love filled, and hope-filled Easter filled with the promises from God. 

I have loved and appreciated all the comments from you guys on my updates on Barb during the past months.  I can't tell you how honored I have been to be her voice for your updates.  From the moment I met Barb in about 1990, we have been great friends and sisters.  If you stretch it, we even look a little bit alike (for that I'm honored when people say that, because Barb is BEAUTIFUL!)  For those of you who know her, know what a special person she is.  For those of you haven't met her in person, know that the love that pours out from everyone is sufficient reason to love her on your own. 

So, it comes to an end....we know that you will keep her in your prayers and continue to love on her.  But, we don't feel the need to continue her Caringbridge site at the moment.  If you do need anything, reach out to Barb or comment on this site and we will connect with you personally.

On behalf of Barb, Scott, the Family and me, we thank you for your support, love, and prayers.  Please be safe, be healthy and be positive during another turbulent time we are facing with the spread of the virus.  We know that miracles happen and we pray that you all survive these times we are facing, and never hope to face again.

Thank you Prayer Warriors, we love you.  

Barb, Scott, our Family and me, the scribe, Angela

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21 Hearts • 10 Comments
