Help Avery Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Avery’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 6 donors who have made a donation in honor of Avery.

We are lifting all of you up in our prayers and joining you in praying for God's healing. I will also pray that she gets accepted in the Duke program. God is sovereign and even when it seems everything is out of control we know He is there,
Nell & Steve Snipes | May 30, 2019
Thinking of u and all the family I am Praying so hard for baby Avery To come thru this with flying colors I love u
Dorothy Daly | May 15, 2019
To Megan, Shane, Avery all the family and friends that love you, My love and prayers go out to you. Know you are loved by God and a network of people who care. Avery will always have my love. I look forward to the day I can hold her in my arms.
Love, Liz Houser | May 14, 2019
Megan, Shane, Harper and Avery, thoughts and prayers are with you all during this tough time. Avery-grow strong little baby girl! We are praying for you!
-The McCullough Family | May 14, 2019
I love you guys! Grace and I have been praying for baby Avery! Stay strong through is horrible test of Faith. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do.
Stay Strong Little Avery | May 14, 2019
We love our precious little Avery, and we know God has His loving hands on her! There are big plans for her Christian witness story! We will keep praying for her continued improvement! Big J and Teenie
Love you! Big J & Teenie | May 14, 2019