Arlene’s Story

Site created on October 27, 2018

Thanks for visiting Arlene’s site! We will do our very best to keep updates on how mom’s progress is doing as we get information and time. Thank you for understanding.

Mom hasn’t felt well for several months during the summer of 2018. She had many tests, bloodwork and biopsies. It was determined she had a tumor on her pancreas. The initial biopsy was negative for cancer, in which we were very relieved. The surgeon said because of the size of the tumor, she would still need to have it removed surgically. Because of the size and location, this was a big surgery. It was quite a few weeks that they waited to actually remove the tumor. Surgery was done Thursday, September 20, 2018. Mom was in Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls for a week, and then transferred to a “swing bed” at Sanford Sheldon Hospital for several days, as she was still very week.

During surgery, the surgeon actually was able to remove all of the tumor, but he had to take half of her pancreas and entire spleen, along with several lymphnodes. All sent to pathology for further testing.

The following week we got the news that the tumor was indeed cancer and that she would have to have chemotherapy and radiation.

A group of Doctors, the surgeon and oncologists called “The Tumor Board” reviewed her individual case, and was determined she would need a very aggressive chemotherapy cocktail.

She has been bothered by a very sore throat and mouth irritation ever since the surgery. She has a lump in her throat that will be scoped and biopsied on Monday October 29 at Sanford Sioux Falls. She also needs to have further bloodwork and a CT Scan of her body, prior to starting chemo. There were “+’s” in the area of her incision. Not really sure what that means, but more than likely there is cancer that is still in her body somewhere, although the surgeon was confident he removed all visible cancer during surgery.

Depending on those results, the next steps will be taken to place the port and start a very aggressive chemotherapy. We’ve already been told she will get extremely ill from this chemo cocktail which was just approved by the FDA. She will be having the chemotherapy treatments in Worthington. Depending on how her body handles the chemo, we were told she would have a aggressive treatment every 14 days and each treatment could take around 8 hours, and she would go home with a chemo pump for 48 hours following her treatments, which will be removed each time at Sanford in Sheldon.

They called this cancer Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. When I researched that, it stems from breast cancer. Mom had breast cancer in 1997, she had a bilateral mastectomy on Oct 24,1997 and had 5 chemo treatments then. I am unsure if this recent cancer diagnosis is related to her breast cancer in 1997, however it seems it could be the case.

Please check the journal entries for updates on mom.

Fervent prayers are so appreciated! For both mom & dad. Thank you!

Newest Update

Journal entry by Robbie Korthals

Mom had her first chemo today. The nurse said she was such a trooper! They gave her a few shots of anti-nausea medication. They ran the first bag, gave her another shot, ran the second bag, and she tolerated them so well that they ran the last 2 bags together, which cut her time down to a 6 hour treatment! She got home and slept for quite a while. She was told she will more than likely lose her hair and will also get mouth sores. So she is trying to stay ahead of the nausea and mouth sores. She was sent home with a chemo pump which will release a dose of chemo every 2 minutes. She will be able to have the pump removed on Saturday.

She was told that this type of chemo could cause a severe case of lock jaw. Because of this possibility, she was informed to stay away from ANYTHING cold! No ice water, no frozen treats, nothing cold! Sounds crazy but she certainly can’t take the chance.

She’s excited to have her sisters stay with her next week! Pat and Pam will join them for a few days! Mom is going to make an appointment at Bloom the Boutique, at Sanford. If you’re not sure what Bloom is, it’s a Boutique inside the Edith Sanford Breast Cancer Center and it offers wigs, scarves, turbans, skincare products and inspirational gifts for patients in their cancer journey. (She would love a gift card if anyone would care to help!)

Again, we as a family, cannot thank you enough for your support and prayers. You are God’s army and our Prayer Warriors!!!

Much Love 💜 The Sterler Family
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