Annie’s Story

Site created on July 16, 2022

Hi all who visit this site. We decided it would be easiest to have one place to direct all our friends and family for updates along our health journey. 

On Wednesday, July 13th Annie went to the Emergency Department at Dominican Hospital. She had been suffering from persistent headaches for about 3 weeks, but that day things changed and she couldn't get out of bed without severe dizziness and vomiting. The ED docs took great care of her and although they were skeptical to CT scan a healthy 33 year old, 32 week pregnant gal, they were concerned about the headaches and went ahead with the scan. The CT scan and a subsequent MRI the next day showed a 3 cm mass on the left side of the Cerebellum (back of the brain). Needless to say Annie was admitted to Dominican Hospital at that time. The plan as of now is to transfer to either UCSF or Stanford hospital and deliver baby. They need to be able to do more robust imaging  of her brain and the rest of her body, using contrast  that isn't safe for baby. The neonatologists and OBs all agree that delivery sooner rather than later is the best approach and that a baby born at 32 or 33 weeks is going to be just fine, will just need a little more time to learn to feed and grow in the NICU. After baby is out they will be able to do the imaging they need to better diagnose the mass and map the area for surgery. At this point Annie, Danny, and baby (still inside) are just hanging at Dominican awaiting transfer. They are in good hands and have been able to visit with family, see Porkchop, and get outside some in the fresh air. Annie's feeling much better, likely due to the steroids they are giving her to reduce inflammation around the mass. 

We appreciate all the love and support everyone has already shown. We are open to calls or texts anytime and will return them as able. Check back here for more updates. Love you all. We are excited to meet our baby (sooner than expected) and we know we will get through this trying time together. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Annie Baer

Hello all! 

We are so grateful to share that Annie's PET scan yesterday showed almost a complete resolution of the masses; the breast mass was almost not visible at all and the lung mass was not visible. Our oncologist was very buoyed by the news, and of course we were too! This means the treatment is working- and working well! Our oncologist reported there is "really no melanoma in your body".

Next steps: Annie has completed the 4 courses of active treatment and will continue with maintenance therapy (1 drug infusion instead of two) shortly. She will have a follow up MRI in a few weeks too just to ensure everything in the brain still looks ok. She is still feeling pretty well! Miss Ro is beyond perfect, growing like a weed and smiling! She also had follow up scans this and everything looked great. 

A long week, but filled with lots of news to be tremendously grateful for. Sending love to you all. 


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