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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Let’s say a lack of an update is because no news is good news!

My last update was my return home from an unexpected, emergency week-long stay at Mayo, following a staph infection and a couple of surgeries. That was July and feels like eons ago.  At my checkup with the oncologist in late August (spent reviewing my status and great response to chemo), my oncologist said the words, “Now you need to remember, you don’t HAVE cancer, you HAD cancer.”  (pause…for dramatic effect.) PRAISE GOD.

My “Cancerversary” (aka the day I learned it really was cancer) was September 27, 2022. What a wild ride! I am feeling wonderful. I have my energy back and most of my side effects from chemo, radiation, and surgeries have abated. Neuropathy (especially still not having full feeling at my fingertips) is a daily irritant along with “chemo brain” but let’s be honest that could be age lol. But my hair is coming back! It’s super dark and kind of curly. I have short little eyelashes and I am even putting mascara on. I’m starting to feel more normal and am slowly catching up after a near-year of being out of it.

I am not “all done” with everything though. A few of my infusion therapies (to prohibit the return of cancer) remain but because of their negative effects on my heart function, they are on pause, maybe even cancelled. And I do have a surgery or two ahead of me. I don’t mean to make light of them, but because they are reconstruction/ know. It’s not life threatening like cancer or staph, so I will just say… I have a couple surgeries left, not a prob. I pray they will be drama-free and successful. I will say I am most especially excited for my port to be removed because that will be a sign there is no future need for it.

More gratitude (it is never-ending)

Not to get too sappy (admitting tears coming as I write) … I am so grateful to be where I am, but I am ever more grateful for the last year. Cancer treatment is hard (actually, it’s kinda the worst, not gonna lie). Staph infection? ...wowza... I will just say that I thank God for the gift of faith. WWJD? Jesus preached and taught, but I believe what was more powerful (and efficacious) was what he suffered with a supernatural intention. I have tried to do the same in my own little way and our good Lord has provided enough grace for each day to make the burden truly doable for me and so light because of all of you. It was and is quite something.

The single #1 regret right now is that my family and I have not been able to say “Thank you!” to as many of you individual and groups to the extent we have wanted. Thank you all so much. For your support in so many varied of ways.

Thank you again & God bless you today and always,

Annie & Tom, and the whole Ballalatak Family
Katie & Dale, Jack & baby Ella, Grace, Isa, Lucy, Joe, Ruby, Jesse, and Jon

Note: Annie got hacked on Facebook and is still trying to get her profile back — she doesn’t have access through that profile but can view from other profiles! :)

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