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Jun 09-15

This Week

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It has been a few months since my last update and I thought I would write one more to close out 2019.

I have been back to work full time for over a month now and it has been going mostly well. It was a little bit of an adjustment at first, but I am feeling more normal. Still not quite operating at my typical pace, but that’s okay for now. My main issue is paying attention to what my body is telling me and being aware of my new (hopefully temporary) limits. I have resumed most of my regular activities, although I am just doing less than I had been previously. Instead of running from thing to thing after work, I choose one or two small things and that’s it for the day. As someone who enjoyed being busy and going from activity to activity, it has been difficult to admit that I need to slow down and cut the volume of activities that I schedule in a week. This can feel boring and wasteful at times, but that’s just how it is right now. Big crowds and loud places are still difficult environments, but I’m dealing and not letting that stop me from having some fun 😊 

Last week I had my 3 month post surgery MRI and follow-up appointments with both of my surgeons. I’m happy to say that so far there is no tumor regrowth, everything looks like it is healing well, my “face is perfect”, and my “brain has gone beautifully back into place”. I have a couple of hearing options to think about, but overall I am doing pretty well and can go about life as if this never happened. Wow, what an amazing thing! I am full of gratitude to God for his providence, especially as things could have been so much harder. 🙏 Thank you again for your encouragement and prayer. It has really made all the difference.

2019 wasn’t my favorite year. Even so, there was still good to be found - here are the highlights:

  • I was able to go adventuring in Peru in June with one of my besties

  • I became an auntie for the 9th time in October! I love Grace Elizabeth so much already😍

  • I got to reconnect with old friends, and make some new ones.

  • I grew in my compassion, sympathy, trust in Christ, and deepened my view of God which wouldn’t have happened without my Acoustic Neuroma journey.


Looking ahead to the new year, here are two areas I'm going to place focus and priority:

  • Continuing to develop & strengthen my relationship with Christ and strive to be more like him. It has it’s bumps, like any relationship, but matters the most.

  • Increasing my activity level. Okay, okay, I realize everyone says this, but I really mean it. I gained an impressive “recovery roll” that is really more of a total body roll than anything else. But I’m making myself be okay with that, too, and am confident that I will get back to my normal weight range eventually 😁 If anyone wants a (slow) activity buddy and lives in the Milwaukee area let me know - I’m always looking for people to help keep me active!

Let me know how I can be praying for you as the new year approaches! Despite what I may want to think, life didn’t stop moving forward these last few months and I am ready to be here for difficult circumstances that may have come up in your life. And/or happy ones. I’ll pray for both. Feel free to email me and let me know ( I’d love to hear from you and be in prayer for you.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and extra blessings on your New Year!

Much love,



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