Angela’s Story

Site created on August 26, 2020

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Newest Update

Journal entry by Angela Wright

Hello everyone!

Greetings from your Breast Cancer FREE friend!!!  Yes, I think I can finally say the Breast Cancer journey is behind me now!!

I have been extremely fortunate to have a smooth recovery from the mastectomy. Don't get me wrong, the first 10 days or so kinda sucked! The pain was always manageable - I stopped the pain meds and muscle relaxers 4 days after my surgery. The drains were a nuisance and the side effects of the pain meds were annoying. I slept in a recliner for the first 10 days since I had to stay propped up. But, I got the drains out last Thursday and was able to go to Zach's baseball game that night. It was so nice to be free of those drains and get outside to enjoy the fresh air and see the best high school baseball team around 😉!

Of course, the best news I got was my breast surgeon calling a few days after surgery to say all the tissue they removed during the surgery showed no signs of cancer! 💪😊

My plastic surgeon has ordered Physical Therapy, which I am happy about. The upper left quadrant of my body has been butchered and I dont have full range of motion in my left arm. So, I am all for it! I start next week.

Aesthetically, my new girls look great. My PS had to put a slightly smaller implant on the left side since the ICD (thats now under the muscle) protrudes in the chest wall. But, you can't really notice it. I do have a fairly large indentation above my left breast, where the ICD used to be. The breast surgeon really had to dig to get all of the scar tissue and underlying breast tissue in that area. My PS said we could consider fat injections or other non surgical injections if I want. We shall see - it's not really that bothersome and since I won't be on any magazine covers any time soon, it really doesn't matter 😂🤪.

While my breast cancer journey is behind me, I still have to deal with the cyst on my Pancreas and schedule a Hysterectomy for later this year. I think once those are behind me, I will feel a huge sense of relief (and be ready to party-hardy
🙆‍♀️😂🎊🎉). And, since I will have no more girl parts after all that, I may never have to put my feet in those damn stirrups at the OBGYN office again 🤣🤣!

As always, you all showered me with so much love, support, food, gift cards, flowers, gifts, texts, sweet treats, books, pillows, etc, etc.  I am honestly blown away by all your kindness. I hope I never have to return the favor for the same reason, but know I will be paying it forward in other ways to those who need it! I will never forget all the kindness that was shown to me during this journey!

Here's hoping life is starting to feel "normal" again in your world. We booked a trip to Boston in May to see Dana's family who we haven't seen in 2 years. And, this summer we will be celebrating my dear friend Shawna's 50th in Jackson Hole/Yellowstone. So, I am excited to have those trips to look forward to!

Sending you all big hugs!
Take care,
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