Amy’s Story

Site created on August 3, 2023

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.

Back in May I went for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound on a lump in my right breast that had been there since October 2022 when I had my preventative mammogram that came back normal. I had been prone to cysts so I assumed that was what it was and moved on with life. Due to some changes in the lump over the next 6 months, I asked for 
diagnostic testing.  After a biopsy I received a diagnosis on June 2 of Invasive Mammillary Carcinoma with Ductal and Lobular features.  The hormone status is HER2-/ER+. After an MRI a few smaller satellite lesions were found in the same breast and I was referred to Ellis Fischel in Columbia for a mastectomy. This put off care a bit as I waited to get my first appointment at Ellis. I have been to Ellis now for three 
appointments that included an ultrasound and a biopsy on my left breast that came back benign. At this time the cancer is Stage 1B Grade 2 and will be ‘re-staged’ after lymph nodes are tested during surgery. My surgery for a double mastectomy with phase 1 reconstruction will be on August 18. This date is obviously not a great one for me. I had to come to terms with the fact that I will not be home for my children’s first day of school. I will be recovering at my mother’s home near Columbia. I had to accept that this is the path that God has me on and I am putting my trust in Him. With the help of loved ones the kids will be ok and  I WILL get  my annual First Day of School Porch Pic!! Since this has been alot of waiting for treatment, I have been in prayer that the Lord would guide me in my own healing process. I have been determined from the day of diagnosis that I would begin healing myself. God has placed a plethora of information in front of me, as he guides me on this healing journey. I have begun many alternative methods of healing and I am confident they are working on healing my cancer! I ask for prayers as I move forward in the more difficult stage of this journey, my surgery and recovery. I know my Lord Jesus Christ is with me, strengthening me, in body and in mind. 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Amy Watson-Mills

I had two appointments today at Ellis. One with my plastic surgeon, which was my second fill into my expander and the second appointment was my post-op with my breast surgeon. My plastic surgeon, Dr. Colbert is very happy with my healing and progress with my expander since surgery. He answered some questions for me regarding intermittent pain and swelling that I am having and explained that this is normal. For those not familiar with the reconstruction process, I have an expander that is sewn into my pectoral muscle and is also anchored to a rib. Therefor moving can sometimes cause pain as this foreign object inside of me may get slightly pulled in different directions. I have to sleep on my back and slightly elevated, which is not my usual sleep position so that gravity doesn't cause this expander to move or settle in one direction or another. This is just my way of explaining it and hope this makes sense. I am feeling better each day although if I am up and about for more the 3-4 hours without resting, I feel a bit fatigued and my body hollers at me through pain or soreness to stop and rest. 

I met with Dr. Albright, my breast surgeon and she explained more about finding micrometastasis  in my lymph node. These are microscopic cells of cancer found in the lymph node that was removed. This is scary but not a death sentence by any means. A portion of my tumor is sent off for a test called the oncotype and this will help determine if I need chemotherapy or not. We are hoping for a score of 11 or lower. Please pray specifically for this!! I will be meeting with a medical oncologist on Sept 22 to discuss this and the pros and cons. I have a referral to a radiation oncologist also to discuss the need for radiation. So at this time, I do not know my course of treatment quite yet. Good news from Dr. Albright was that she got clear margins, which means she was able to remove all the cancer. PTL! I will also have my first Physical Therapy appointment next Tuesday at Ellis. Thank you all for following my journey. I love each and every one of you and appreciate the love, support and prayers. 

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