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Jun 02-08

This Week

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December 8th, 2022… 🔔the day we thought was so far away, but prayed for it to happen so quickly. My Amazing Grace rang the (No More Inpatient Aggressive Chemo Bell today!🙌🏻) Our God is so Good and Gracie owned her motto.. Be Brave, Be Strong B+!!! Proud is an understatement kiddo!!! As I stood with tears in my eyes, I could barely see her ring that bell, but I felt the over abundance of peace and strength. God has been with us and is still with us working in ways only he can. 
Next steps- We wait a week or so to let this last chemo work it’s magic. Scans will be scheduled hopefully before or right after the 1st of the year. Depending on holiday schedules, I’m sure. 😉 I’m claiming they are clear and remain clear! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Depending results, surgery will be scheduled to remove her port. 
Then one more bell to ring… The Final Bell! 🔔
Future scans will resume every 3-4 months, then every 6 months, then once a year, and so on. I’ve been told this will continue up to 10yrs. However, I won’t know exact schedule until meeting with oncologist, so I’ll definitely update as I know. 

Specific Prayer- Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in many Thanks for your multitude of blessings throughout this journey. Thank you for blessing me with an Amazing daughter that is faithful in your word. Thank you for the strength you continue to give Grace to fight, never once giving up. I pray you shine through her testimony and continue to be a light through her allowing others to see just how precious life is. I pray for peace over all of our minds, especially Gracie’s to believe that she has beat this disease and that it’s gone forever. I pray this in your precious name Lord, AMEN. 

“But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” 
Jeremiah 17;7

“But as for you, Be Strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 
2 Chronicles 15;7

Special Thanks- Our community, the family & friends that have held us up, loved us, checked in, cooked good meals, chauffeured my kids around, supported us, & literally have given us the shoes on your feet or the jacket from your back… I cannot thank you enough! We love each of you BIG and pray blessings upon all of you. 

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