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Jun 16-22

This Week

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One year ago last night (March 7th), I received a phone call from our pediatrician telling me to pack an overnight bag for Amari, Jacob and me and to start making our way down to the Greenville Memorial Children’s Hospital and was given the name of the pediatric oncologist who was on call and would meet us there. It was there that they would draw more blood for more testing so that they could tell us the actual diagnoses for what was causing Amari’s leg pains, his sudden loss of appetite and lethargy that he was experiencing. It was the eve before Jacob and I were given the news that would forever change our lives: Amari has leukemia. 

March 8, 2018 was just day 1 of 40 long months of treatment ahead of us. 

This past year we have seen how strong and brave our son is as he fought hard to beat those leukemia cells, as he overcame a fear of being stuck by needle after needle to now not even flinching as labs are drawn or his port accessed, to seeing him embrace a whole new family of nurses, doctors, staff and other fighters who are battling alongside him. 

My baby boy, who was 12 days shy of his 3rd birthday just 1 year ago, has blossomed into a little boy who amazes me more and more each day with his love for others, his giving and helping heart and his strength. Even though his world was turned upside down, he takes everything in stride. He is my hero and always will be! 


Since my last post, Amari has been doing well. He’ll have the occasional day of his tummy bothering him more than usual or of feeling more tired, but that’s been the worst of it. He is currently in cycle 2 of Maintenance so we are starting to get into somewhat of a routine in trying to find our new normal. 

That BK virus that Amari had last April when he had blood in his urine is back. Thankfully there wasn’t blood in his urine this time and the concentration of the virus isn’t as high as it was last time, but we are treating and monitoring it in hopes that we can get rid of it. He just finished a round of antibiotics for it and we’ll just keep running urinalysis to see where the levels are trending (hopefully downward). 

His next appointment is Tuesday, March 12th where he will receive a spinal tap, infusion and begin his monthly steroid pulse. 


I want to end this post with a link to a song by Jesus Culture called “We Speak Life”. I’ve shared it before, but it’s words are so powerful and fit our family so well during this time. We love you all and appreciate the continued prayers and support!!

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