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Jun 02-08

This Week

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As of Monday, March 4th, I am officially DONE with radiation!!

Turns out there was no official bell to ring, but I did get a certificate of completion and a photo with one of my radiologists and the radiologist therapists. Close enough! 

It's pretty wild how fast but also how slow those 6 weeks went. Another reminder that we can do anything we put our mind to it and remember that it's only temporary.  Way easier said than done, but true!

In being open with you all, this process did test my mental strength. I mean who’s wouldn’t be tested, I don’t think I’m special. It's hard to put all the emotions into words right now, so I won't, and only because I just watched the movie Dune, I have the following quote resonating in my mind: "We must not fear, fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” - Frank Herbert

I'm still mostly on the BRAT diet and taking regular doses of ibuprofen, Imodium, electrolytes ... and yes, sitz baths. While I'm done with the treatments the radiation continues to break down cells, bone marrow, and tissue for another few weeks. I'm advised to not take any extra antioxidants such as vitamin C for another 6 weeks (which seems like forever). The reason is that the added antioxidants can interfere with the treatment plan. These little fighters need to continue their work for a while, and I've been advised that it's very common to feel worse before feeling better. That said I'm considering myself to be on the other side and focusing on recovery!

Beyond the tissue breakdown and GI issues, the fatigue has been real. Like really real. Like my eyes hurt, my head feels like it's in a cloud, I can't remember what day it is, I don't have the will to make conversation, this post is taking me way too long to write ... your body forces you to shut down and recover. Not all days are like that but when it hits, it hits hard. So, I rest. 

Next is a follow-up with my oncologist at the end of the month, where I’ll hopefully get the all-clear to simply get back to life and get back in the gym! I'll continue to have scans every 3 months and in the meantime, I'm very much looking forward to planning a vacation later this year! 

I know I say this at the end of each update, but a million THANK YOUS for all of the love, support, help, texts, gift cards, dog walks, and phone calls. I feel very blessed. Thank you!


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